
Joined Apr 16, 2018

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replied 1810d
Welcome! ;)
replied 1810d
Is there a better way to directly share a Reddit post? Memo should add that functionality, get some better cross-pollination which will likely drive BCH-supporters to use Memo more too
It is my understanding some wallets expose your public key when sending a transaction and it is then possible to calculate/link other used addresses of the wallet. Is this true and if so which wallets don’t do this?
replied 1811d
Wow it took you that long? Hmmm, good luck...
Maybe it’s obvious, but it seems to me the BSV crowd has now taken the unified stance that BCH users are all just criminals, and we’ll be shutdown, in addition to BTC being misguided on the tech implementation...
replied 1811d
Nice to see you learned how to post images directly, cheers ;)
followed 1811d
The video, nice to see it wasn’t nearly the hit piece expected, then again so much more story to tell but no one cares, block size, BCH, etc https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/bitcoins-wild-ride-60-minutes-2019-05-19
replied 1811d
Hmm, ok I will...
replied 1811d
Welcome to Memo 🙏🏼
replied 1811d
Wow, and that looks a pretty high-end quality costume, or did you design/make that yourself?
replied 1811d
Welcome! Hope you enjoy, it’s really quite amazing ;)
Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin, deal with it!
replied 1811d
So he liked a critic? So? I’ve done that. He’s a real guy that did an interview on CNBC last week FWIW, but agree he’s misguided, I commented to that effect on his Twitter post
replied 1811d
It is, I’ve used it frequently for over a year now... there are several improvement they could/should make but yeah it’s the best mobile (iOS) wallet out there for BCH IMO...