
Joined Apr 16, 2018

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replied 1711d
I meant an animal, the strongest vegan animal...
replied 1712d
Really? Name one.
replied 1791d
Like what? I just wanted to try it...
replied 1792d
Georg Engelmann
But then can’t anyone read it if they wanted?
replied 1792d
Georg Engelmann
Are you saying the receiver sees the message unencrypted?
replied 1792d
Like at least 360 degrees ;)
replied 1798d
And they are they best “survival machines” our genes have, vehicles to get them into the next host body...
replied 1799d
Love that idea haha 😂
replied 1799d
Thank you 🙏🏼
replied 1799d
Rest In Peace to my old friend Duke 😢
replied 1800d
Or you can export/import your wallet (just 1 address) into another wallet app, like Edge, I did and now it shows all my Memo transactions and tips too, pretty cool 😎
replied 1800d
replied 1801d
Julia Williams
How about 1,000,000 satoshi for a pencil/charcoal of my dog Duke, sadly he’s not doing too well lately 😢 ...
replied 1801d
Or, “spend and replace” -who’s to say he didn’t mine/buy another 10,000 BTC shortly after?
replied 1802d
FYI the command is “withdraw_sv <balance> <address>“ if you want to withdraw your BSV (maybe to sell it) I did it and it worked for me...
replied 1802d
Julia Williams
Welcome! 🙏🏼 ;)
replied 1802d
Cool, thanks, it should be pretty easy as everything is open source and on github too, the one I shared is a fork of bitaddress.org too so maybe start there, good luck!
replied 1802d
But also the resulting PDF file places the images, like 3 to a page as it does now, in the exact middle of the page, so a user can print double sided. I do it now but extra work...
replied 1802d
Another I’d like is a paper wallet generator like cashaddress.org but with a choice of template to use or the option to upload your own, it just generates the QR codes and addresses
replied 1802d
This is the main one I’ve seen and used over the years, but confusing like I said. It’s linked off the wiki pages I believe https://iancoleman.io/bip39/
replied 1802d
There’s a couple websites out there already that do some of this, but they are confusing and not clear what versions work where and what you should even be using, if that makes sense
replied 1802d
For example Electrum/ElectronCash uses a different word list for their seeds than most HD wallets, you can convert/export your priv. key, but Bitcoin.com wallet can only import seeds
replied 1802d
A wallet app or even just a website that could be run air-gapped that could convert whatever type of seed phrase or priv. key you had into others, and into pub. keys and addresses too
replied 1802d
replied 1802d
What are you thinking of developing?