
Joined Apr 16, 2018

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sent · 97,005 sats 2129d
Thank you 🙏🏼 for all you’ve done 😊
2129d · memo
Any way to get images to post bigger than the 50% or so they do now? I’m specifically referring to Imgur links but maybe there’s a better way altogether? Thanks and thanks for Memo! ;)
2129d · memo
Any way to make images post bigger than the 50% thumbnails they do now? I’m specifically referring to Imgur links but maybe there’s a better way?
2130d · Photography
What’s the best way to embed a picture in your Memo post, imgur link? Or is there a better way? Seems Imgur links just post small pics...
2130d · Photography
Thought I’d share my “Desert Rose” Adenium obesum in bloom
2130d · Favorite Quotes
“The problem with Socialism is, eventually you run out of other people's money" -Margaret Thatcher
Anyone tried the CoolWallet yet? Seems cool ;) and I’ve been testing it out for a few months now but tonight it wiped ALL my transactions text labels after I updated the firmware, very frustrating!... anyone relate?
Happy Anniversary Memo and community! just thought I’d share a cool pic of my Rose Pincushion Cactus (Mammillaria zeilmanniana) in bloom 🌸
Stress testin’! ...from my couch ;)
Even in this crappy market I’m USING my precious Bitcoin Cash to enjoy a tasty beer! 🍺 cheers! ;)
I just thought I’d share a picture of my Desert Rose, Adenium Obesum ;)
Happy Anniversary! to Bitcoin Independence Day and the birth of Bitcoin Cash!
...because Bitcoin Cash IS essentially Bitcoin ;)
Tips for newbs...
Damn BitcoinCash is so hot right now! Fire! Up over 100% this week to $1530
I love BitcoinCash but I love my Darluv even more! ;)
Excited to learn about and try out this new decentralized site, greetings!