
Joined Apr 16, 2018

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replied 1827d
Oh never mind then, no idea...
replied 1827d
It’s still there on mine (iOS)
replied 1827d
And also funny, they all paid in cash/credit despite the restaurant taking crypto for a long time, I of course pay in BitcoinCash and make sure they saw/know... BitcoinCash works!
replied 1827d
Funny they’re all bitchin’ about high fees, slow confirmations, yet totally against BitcoinCash when I bring it up, they’re minds are made up...
Went to a “Bitcoin Meetup” and left disappointed, sad actually, lots of guys there been in to bitcoin a long time but are still in it for “store of value” and price speculation, totally against bigger blocks.
replied 1827d
Was it 1111 sats?
replied 1827d
Good one! ;)
replied 1828d
Have you ever used Coins.ph to pay bills with BCH and/or cashed out into pesos at a Lhuillier or other store?
replied 1828d
“bearjewpacabra” 🤣😂🤣
replied 1828d
Um, what?
replied 1828d
Just watched this and thought I’d share, nothing about BitcoinCash specifically or dumb price speculation but more on just the overall infrastructure and building Web 3.0 projects...
replied 1828d
Cheers! 🍻
replied 1829d
Probably an airplane ;) or boat/ferry but it’s overnight...
replied 1829d
Also, for anyone who’s used this, you probably noticed a few outputs are “too small” to shuffle, what’dya think of group-sending those back to yourself to shuffle again? Ok?
replied 1829d
Any chance you're going to Cebu?
replied 1829d
replied 1829d
ok $0.11 if we're rounding up :)
I highly recommend the ElectronCash desktop wallet to CAshSHuffle some coins, I've been doin' it several days now and after over 100 shuffles to get my wallet 100% shuffled, it's cost a total of 270 bits, $0.10, nice!
replied 1829d
replied 1829d
Agreed, and he’s been a vocal proponent for “Bitcoin” the idea for a looooong time obviously, and now feels BicoinCash is Bitcoin, and I agree.
replied 1829d
Interesting perspective ;)
replied 1829d
Me too, well the first part 🤣
replied 1829d
Gillian Anderson was a favorite, but that was 25 years ago! ;)
replied 1830d
Thinking the text, or better the images, should be switched for continuity...