
Joined Jul 29, 2018

Believer in true intent of cryptocurrency, to circumvent the corrupt central banks and bring the free market back to the People.

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2179d · Bitcoin SV
Bitstagram is my favorite app! BSV used block space surpasses BTC for day number 2 now!! Yay!!
2200d · memo
Memo Android app now has full SV support. You can use the title menu to toggle between BCH and BSV.
2230d · Bitcoin SV
He’s floating in the Yangtze River LOL
2249d · memo
lol, afaik there never was a mute function on memo itself. you had to use memo++ but idk if it's been updated.
2250d · Bitcoin SV
We need to get rid of DAA on BSV. Its better to allow issuance based on miners joining system and have difficulty adjusted every two weeks. It’s better for miner rewards.
2308d · Bitcoin Cash
CSW is going to take down Jihan Wu, Haipo Yang, Roger Ver, all minority hash supporting exchanges. That will be very impressive.
replied 2310d
And I plan to mine BCH even if it goes to $0 to fight. I’ve made so much, I can fight for years.
replied 2317d
Getting more than 51% is the correct move. Attacking minority is the move CSW SHOULD do. Most ppl just think it's bad, when it's not.
2317d · Bitcoin Cash
I'm questioning one word - to me it is a defense. Defense of the original bitcoin. So I call it 51% defense. With that, try reading your sentence again!
replied 2318d
OK. I just meant you have to buy BTC to buy another coin.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2318d
POS is the same scam as the federal reserve - the ones who hold the most(the banks) control the entire system. Methinks that's why China likes POS so much.
replied 2318d
Last I checked Tether had regained dollar parity.. wait, nevermind, it's definitely imploding again..
2319d · Bitcoin Cash
No idea what will happen but SVpool doubled hashpower today while CoinGeek remained unchanged.
replied 2319d
thanks for this ;)
In recent months, I have used less and less reddit. memo is my favorite.
2319d · Bitcoin Cash
There is 4% increase of SVpool+CoinGeek combined since October 9th so there is new hashpower
replied 2328d
replied 2329d
Sock puppets? lol
Ummmmm everyone on Memo is here because they think for themselves and aren’t following the Reddit herd of sheeple. So who are the sock puppets yr talking about?
replied 2330d
Let the block size be miner configurable - stop trying to central plan anything. I think SV might be the way to go.
replied 2330d
The SV hate seems to be stronger on r/btc than here on Memo. And I agree, I favor Bitcoin SV in the coming hash war.
replied 2339d
I think that's for your own use, nothing sitewide or anything. I think it's meant so you can say "Yes, I know this the real Roger Ver" and have peace of mind next time you see him post
En Fri Mand
2342d · Bitcoin Cash
If you want to try making some zero fee txs, check out my project on Github: https://github.com/andersrh/Wallet (fork of the Bitcoin.com wallet code)
2349d · memo
Memo is by far my favorite way of making meaningful on-chain transaction.
En Fri Mand
replied 2348d
En Fri Mand