
Joined Jul 29, 2018

Believer in true intent of cryptocurrency, to circumvent the corrupt central banks and bring the free market back to the People.

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5 of the Top 10 Coins on Coinmarketcap.com are shitcoins. XRP banker pre-mine token, LTC segwit coin/no future, Cardano TBD, no working product, IOTA doesn't work, bleeding edge arrongance TRON scam hype pump n' dump
The only reason people have interest in the ETF is because the notion that Wall Street is able to speculate (gamble) their BTC holdings will rise. If/when is announced, sell your BTC after the immediate pump.
2356d · Bitcoin
Increasing the block size solves the issue LN tries to with a quick code change. Moore's Law mitigates the 'centralization' that bigger blocks causes.
2356d · Bitcoin
LN I believe has some use cases like recurring payments and payroll but cannot alone scale BTC.