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saved 62d
99 bottles of Beer on the wall, 99 bottles of Beer, you take one down and pass it around…….
saved 64d
I'm using the app : (
saved 65d
can anyone tell me why my pics won't load?
saved 70d
Not able to post any Food Porn!
Can somebody work their magic please
saved 76d
If you have never tried Radish Sprouts, OMG are you missing out. Less then a ¼ cup of seeds made all this. We don't always have fresh lettuce on hand, so spouting is a great option. They can also be grown year round & inside.
saved 78d
More Quail Eggs going into the incubator. Also adding more genes to the gene pool, a British Ranger Quail.
saved 82d
So I found 2 containers of seeds from 12 or 13 years ago that fell behind my shelving unit in my basement. I soaked the seeds, figuring I'd probably get a few seeds I could replant. Holy cow, at this rate, I'm probably going to have to use them for greens. Broccoli & radish for days lol
saved 83d
Baby Kunekunes 1 week old #homesteading
saved 86d
Funny to hear Dearborn, most people say Detroit, Flint or Saginaw. Every state has their issues. The flip side is, we also have areas that have great areas with hardly any people or crime.
saved 86d
The thing is, no matter where you go or where you live. Their are issues everywhere & things are only going to get worse, Hense the reason to be self sufficient or as self-sufficientas I can be. We just try to do the best we can. So many people get stuck in analysis paralysis.
saved 86d
I can hear your frustration & disappointment on so many levels. We hear and see this a lot especially when you toss in Self-sufficiency or prepardness into it. We also hear many talk about what they can't do instead of focusing on what they CAN do.
We have just over 5 acres. When we were looking into moving, we researched non zoned communities. They still have some very basic "rules" but aren't up your butt like a regular township might be and no where near what an HOA is. We do have country neighbors, (they live further apart)
Our goal is to work hard every day to do more for our self. We grown about 50% of the food for our animals. I'm hoping to up that game this year. We grow tons of garden veggies, fruits, mushrooms and herbs, plus all the eggs and meat from the birds & we have the pigs. I don't have space for hay, grains or beef but I have a neighbor down the road that practice organic methods that has all the stuff I don't, she doesn'...
saved 87d
Seems like about sums it up.
saved 87d
I do cakes part time out of the house & husband works in manufacturing. I'm sure alot of homesteads that don't make money.
We could actually live off what we produce or services we offer but it would be tight. Our main reason to homestead is to know where our food comes from and to know how the animals are treated.
saved 87d
All the pretty colors! and peeping in on Momma Pig and lil Bacon Bits #homesteadinglife
saved 89d
For those wanting to Donate to Jimmy's Family @25 His wife does have access to his wallets. Thank you to all.
saved 89d
I will ask her. I know she is on here I just can't remember her handle.
saved 89d
He and his family stayed with us last summer while they were traveling Michigan. He brought us to Twetch. I'm still a bit numb. I can't even imagine what the 6 kids and the kids mom are going thru.
saved 89d
With a very heavy heart, I need to share that our friend @25 died in any auto accident. He leaves behind 6 beautiful kids. If you are inclined to help the family, here is their gofund me link.
saved 90d
We delivered 9 very healthy Kunekune Bacon Seeds last night. They are SO cute.
saved 97d
More babies on the Homestead.. Pekin Ducklings & Sweet Grass Turkey
saved 102d
We have an slacker & an over achiever lol
saved 104d
Welcome little nuggets
saved 111d
I got to feel baby wiggles! These are Kunekune Pigs. They have only been in the US, from New Zealand for about 30 years. We will be breeding to high the highest standards.
saved 111d
The birds are cranking them out
saved 118d
Ducks are more messy. They love their water and making mud. All of our birds are pasture raised but we do give a small amount of crumble. They eat table scraps and love garden surplus. Our ducks don't really fly. No clipping wings. The eggs taste a little bit more rich or creamy when we fry them. For scrambled, I can't tell the difference. We enjoy the personality of the ducks over the chickens & find them comical. As chicks they are messier then chickens. I'm not sure as adults as we just routinely clean both houses at the same time. I just put 36 eggs into the incubator due to hatch in a couple weeks.