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saved 1148d
And I know this is difficult to hear, but throwing strawmen out (Ive never claimed the universe revolves around me. Just that I have some sick people antagonizing me online. youre a disingenous person fabricating claims) doesn't do anything for you here.
saved 1148d
Anything else to add Gnothi? I have no problem explaining why I say what I say, when i say it. That individual is one of my multi-year stalker/abusers, I know them when I see them, their rhetoric is consistent. That's why he disappeared when challenged.
saved 1148d
And the answer is, that this individual was actually saying, to me, through the latest feed, that *I* am a "lazy stoner bum wasting my whole life away here" -because this stalker knows I smoke a lot of cannabis medically and have been on here a lot this wk
saved 1148d
Yes, Gnothi,the (spying) user knew I was refreshing "Latest" and posted that as a jab at me.
Notice they just created the account. So the comment makes no sense at all - how could they be "wasting their whole life away here" if they just made an account?
saved 1148d
@ Gnothi Seauton

Yes, obviously for the reasons I explained. That wasn't a "new user", that was an obvious abuser. I did not say they worked for Mossad, that's your spin.

Notice the person did not respond when called out and still hasn't. I'm not dumb.
saved 1148d
The thing is, if laundering was happening here through the sites services and whatnot freely, it's one thing. Taking a 20% cut of every interaction = actually retarded as fuck, especially when you surely know it's going on. Absolutely fucking tarded rofl
saved 1148d
This is honestly the funniest part to me, is that the owners of this site are sitting back raking in $ off the proceeds of constant money laundering, and apparently completely unconcerned about any possible consequences. LOL!

The fuck are you thinking?
saved 1148d
It is obvious, fucking obvious to me that the neverending creation of worthless dogshit tokens, NFTs, and so on, is just more of the same - no different than the neverending creation of shitcoins, altcoins, and so on.

All just greedy, criminal bullshit.
saved 1148d
@ Gnothi Seauton (to hell with your trolltoll) It is obvious to me that limitless scaling is the way to go with cryptos. You know, it's possible for people to be for BSV and against a lot of what goes on here on Twetch simultaneously. Dumdum.
saved 1148d

same as it ever was

oh, and deal w/ the laundering and NFT/fake token grifting or you're gonna get your shit pushed in by feds bud lol. you fags can't just sit around knowingly profiting off that forever. tick tock, and ta ta, this site is creeeepy.
saved 1148d
Once you look into it, it's obvious this site is shady. She realized that and didn't want anything to do with it, I imagine she figured any $ she received here was sort of like proceeds of crime.I don't see it that way, but many here are suspect regardless
saved 1148d
Site clearly exists for money laundering, amongst perhaps other shady dealings (human trafficking)
You'll see in the future.
Dummies committing crime here didn't understand its traced
saved 1149d
is through *using a time machine to go back to a point in history wherein they didn't exist yet, and then living out the rest of your life in that time period with no regrets

it's foolproof, checkmate atheists
saved 1149d
crypto criminals don't understand they've been tying their own nooses

pic related
saved 1149d
Get a minifridge 😉
saved 1149d
I should clarify, it wasn't sharing the paper that bothered them. Information hazards being shared are what can bother them. There are many information hazards out there, all the time.
saved 1149d
No, they wanted me locked up/perma medicated against my will. I resisted the worst of it, like I said. They tried to make me phyiscally violent - that isn't me at all, I was able to resist their "prompts" likely because it was so foreign to me.
saved 1149d

sharing the above

some knowledge can cost certain entities a lot of money, or power.

also, just plain aggravating certain nefarious entities (like mossad) and exposing how they operate online (reddit)
saved 1149d
Bro, most of the giveaways on this site are bots laundering money/other criminal related shit. That's why only some of them get shit tons of activity - the botters only set them on their own accts.

Much of the activity here is purely fake. You will see.
saved 1149d
Because I've received threats online and offline for my activity/what I know/shared and particular people I antagonized. Up to and including being warned Mossad was in my town and was responsible for one of the worst experiences, for example.
saved 1149d
They program people via language alone nowadays, using the internet, they're doing MK Ultra on everyone as we speak. I stumbled into the wrong places early online (early 2000's and was very active online even before)

My life got destroyed, that happened
saved 1149d
They really can pretty much take over people. I guess you can resist though but it must be random, I was lucky to be able to resist lots of it - it felt foreign what was happening.

I think it was a combo of MK ultra style stuff and remote neural weapons
saved 1149d
What if you could just see into any discord/slack chat, backroom conversation IRL, at any point in time, by channeling it directly.

Would make any attempts at hiding scammery, well.. impossible.

Then all they have to do is show the chain evidence. EZ
saved 1149d
Imagine one thinking they can hide behind any number of layers of tech, digital encryption, and so on, when S-tier teams of remote viewers exist.

LUL rekt
saved 1149d
Haha, yep. Not just basically though, "totally, absolutely, unequivocally, indefensibly fucked" is more accurate.
