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saved 1237d
Yeah sure he "just" figured this out

Probably been aware of BSV for a long time and accumulating with his buddies. Now they pull the rug out from the whole industry and tell everyone "Lol jk guys, doge/btc/eth aren't viable, but BSV is".

Massive profits
saved 1238d
Fuck you and your ilk, genocidal scumbag.

You will lose.
saved 1238d
saved 1238d
It is. I am focused on it now. Get ready.
saved 1238d
BSV will cannibalize BTC market cap and carry on into the 100's of thousands per, within years.

A new paradigm and great leaps towards global abundance.

Suck my dick if you don't agree, you're a bitch and you're wrong.

Screencap this blockchain tx
saved 1238d
member dubstep? Yea dat was me.

I don't care if you didn't like it, suck my dick, we had a fun time before skrillex with the real dubstep.

member fortnite craze? yea, me. all me. Embrace my solipsistic power of attention and intention or be left behind.
saved 1238d
me awakening from a 4 year psychic slumber last week to see to BSV's dominance and abundance for all

git ready. I'm a prodigal manifestor. Shills, haters, and suppressors will be BTFO, because I said so. nothing they can do about it. I'm aware of BSV now
saved 1238d
Because I recently became aware of it. Hold on to ur dick its gonna blast off. accumulation is going on now.

-t. high manifestor
saved 1239d
hey guys just verifying i'm me too
saved 1239d
oh no twetch is trying to grift money off people for nothing again with NFT laundering sale % since their actual service is so shady and bot/giveaway filled nobody wants to use it
saved 1239d
It's tiresome to even begin to explain and have the vast majority of people say "Oh you're just trying to make yourself feel important" which ironically is what THEY'RE doing - "Why would they target x person instead of ME? Why are THEY so important?"
saved 1239d
That is to say - how is anyone who's been subject to things LIKE MK ultra supposed to talk about it, if people just say "oh you're just 'trying to make yourself appear important'" with almost NO information about who I am, what i've been through
saved 1239d
By your logic, MK ultra wouldn't have existed at all. It's literally the same phenomenon - doing psyop experiments on people without their knowledge or consent.

But for some reason now you say governments wouldn't do that, it's crazy to claim that? Cmon.
saved 1239d
I don't think "Everyone is out to get me". Some people are, I couldn't give a shit if you believe me or not.

100% not quitting weed since again, that prevents dreaming, which prevents those kinds of attacks, and I probably get a lot more exercise than you
saved 1239d
Oh, how convenient. Well then I guess nobody can ever say anything negative about anything else. Except you?
saved 1239d
"We're here about the tacos and locks"
saved 1239d
"At least we're still developing our grift. Leave us alone, we're just small potato grifters" Kek, nice whataboutism.

You people are holding back internet money, fuck you, i've been waiting 8 fucking years for crypto to be viable and it still isn't. Fags
saved 1239d
@Groy Batty

Maybe they should reinvest some of the literal hundreds of thousands profited off worthless NFT sale/money laundering then, that ironically *they literally created out of the fucking ether*, faggot. How bout that?
saved 1239d
I have only accrued it, while putting the site on blast here for the shady bullshit going on here. Thanks for your (fake, unnecessary) concern.

I am not here of my own volition, believe me. I hope my work here is done soon b/c the community is vile.
saved 1239d
Wow, fractal shitcoins. Holding a massive supply of absolutely worthless nothings that you're trying to con people into believing has value so you can cash in.

Why are you people constantly trying to scam everyone here? Oh yeah, greed and criminality
saved 1239d
at least w/ this brand of snake oil i can clap back at the creators in realtime to be fair
saved 1239d
as opposed to what? luring people here to scum 20% off every action they take and trying to sell $1500 images of a lock and any number of other worthless nothingburger "assets" you create out of thin air and airdrop w/ artificial scarcity...?

Much value
saved 1239d
Lol, so I guess Satoshis White Paper was.. probably @243 alt, would be my best guess, but the fact that ohnoitsface calls people bums is pretty telling. Could be all the same person
Regardless, y'all fucken obvious creep losers, goodbye, nice typo, l2spell
saved 1239d
Byebye, criminal concern trolls. I will enjoy seeing this site in the news in the coming months.
saved 1239d
@ Gnothi all you're doing is concern trolling, misrepresenting what I've said, the situation, and so on. You're a disingenuous shithead who I want nothing to do with like many others on this shady fucking site.

Will be out of here soon enough.