
Joined Aug 08, 2018

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replied 2335d
Sk8eM dUb
calling someone a dancer now does not mean they can’t be a plumber in the future. Labeling them now does not limit what they do in the future.
replied 2335d
There's a counter on https://memo.cash/stats
replied 2335d
How is to sell BCH in Venezuela? Is it hard to get someone to buy it?

Toxic tribalism
Inspired by the live stream of Jeffrey Tucker and Gene Epstein: How to wildly disagree with someone but have a civilized, intellectual discussion
replied 2343d
Yeah it was great getting opinions other than those I usually hear in the crypto bubble I live in :)
replied 2350d
lol its the real satoshi! follow that yacht! 🚤
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it.
The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.

I highly recommend tuning in to hear GabrielCardona
share his vision for the internet,
and #bitcoincash,
it attracts forward thinkers :))
