If someone doesn't have this, you cannot instill such a perspective in them through an online medium. Cultivating a diverse set of experiences is the best defense against propagandists...
The problem in dealing with any isolated incident of propaganda is that their web of belief is deliberately secured. A casual person is building a perception as they go, it's like...
how religion seemingly has all the answers to your questions, at first. To see through it you need a broad perspective of what life is like inside and outside the sphere of propaganda...
I'd like to say hopefully we can just have a clean split & everyone go their own way but hate to see the ecosystem keep fragmenting. idk how many more times it can be split.
You want a clean split but hate to see the ecosystem fragmenting? What value has the ABC split added? The SV added value simply by rejecting ABC changes.
They are, but Bitmain is majority investor from what I understand, so MB is obligated to them. Hard to know how Bitmain will use this leverage in the future, but the risk is there.
BTC-Core has a real strategy and a strategy they present. The strategy they present and engage in debate over is a front for their real strategy. It looks like the ABC crowd is emulating the fake strategy of BTC-Core.
I hate to say it, but Bitmain's involvement with Money Button make partnerships with MB very risky. Based on recent events, is likely any idea they have will end up stolen and duplicated elsewhere.
US v. them, righteous call to action, obsession with purity and correct actions, substitutes for real education on the issues, addressed to some vague collective, promotes irrationality etc.
I'm lost right now. So CSW narrative is this: OP_DSV enables illegal gambling, it musn't be allowed! ABC wants fungibility, then you can do illegal things, it musn't be allowed!
It's more like: Bitcoin has a sophisticated set of incentives governing its operations. Miners are free to reject changes that jeopardize those incentives.