I'm lost right now. So CSW narrative is this: OP_DSV enables illegal gambling, it musn't be allowed! ABC wants fungibility, then you can do illegal things, it musn't be allowed!
I mean, it's hard to distill the wisdom of the whitepaper into a narrative, but that's all anyone listens to these days, short simple arguments on twitter.
Stop making up shit. This amount of blocks is normal giving the sudden major increase in hashpower on the ABC side, DAA will catch up shortly.
I'm not so sure about that. The good thing is that this will all be available on the blockchain for those who know, to take a look at. The rest will be subject to the wills of PoSM.
Ok, but your other point was that people who have lot of money are able to dictate all the rules with PoS. This seems to be the case with BCH SV. These are your words, read back.
WIth POW your money is used up continuously, with POS your money earns you more at a rate proportional to the size of your initial investment/size of network.
Forking from Core freed BCH from overt hostility, now it's just covert hostility, ignorance, and every other problem Bitcoin was facing before it became worth attacking.
We need more active miners. Apathetic miners, who think they are entitled to their cartel are holding back BCH right now. The one guy championing active mining is Craig Wright, the guy the mining cartel is smearing.
My biggest concern for Bitcoin Cash, my nightmare even, is that Core decides to raise blocksize to something still unreasonable (like 8MB) but enough to kill BCH.
The differences are more extensive than that one parameter. There is so much added to the protocol by the Core developers that hamper it's ability to scale at the base layer.
Anyone here like NHL? - Sheary is clicking well - Chicago seems rested and ready for the season - Price as well - Vancouver is going to get scored on...alot