What about memo forms? tx's that can accept an input and make it's own memo with just that fields info. Maybe bitDB is a better solution, but memo is user friendly already.
Is Bernie Sanders not a capitalist? I am not sure. I thought he is just open to more social programs. Which does not make one a socialist. Social programs are not incompatible with capitalism.
With BCH we are now able to program social programs into the hard money landscape. These are very compatible with capitalism as you can't print money to sustain them past their due.
Does anyone who read Karl Marx ever consider the very different world he lived in? In the information age the MoP become cheap and widely owned.
The MoP are no longer immovable custom built machines, that's for sure. He only saw the first layer of economic growth via technology. Philosopher, not a scientist/engineer.
I'm fine with miners having dust limits, but as the price goes up it should be lowered. Right now it's not a big issue, it makes the minimum tip $0.0025 USD.
It is still quite cheap. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind my memo being unconfirmed for a while until a miner swept it up.
if we need to develop quality assessment /rating algorithms based on likes, user connectivity and some other values for future larger data sets, no one should be counted twice.
You can already filter out likes from the same account by using a block explorer. Democracy doesn't make sense for digital communities because digital identity is not solved.
Funding whom? When you like something, you're donating to the miners. The person you like only receives funds if you send a tip.
People see the number of likes, that is what you're funding. In return you get the assurance that ppl have seen that memo with that number of likes next to it.
Im not making a story, so i dont need mttr.app. My point is if we "saved" a sat or two from each transaction, we would be able to provide new users with some sat to start.
I think this is challenging. The Bitcoin.com faucet had to be shut down because of abuse. The cat-and-mouse security model you propose is expensive and not convincing to me.
measures that could be put in place to prevent users creating multiple accounts. This would be nothing like Spotify.
"It" doesn't exist yet, so you'll have to clarify your proposal and how it solves digital identity :P may I suggest https://www.mttr.app/home for a longer format.
no. not at all. never was & never should be. not to mention, if q is such an obviously crazy, harebrained larp there should be no need to ban... unless its not so crazy. 🤔
It's Steve Bannon and co. continuing the plots of his other site in the same style. He is on record explaining his media strategy, and how he systematically creates fanatics.
does this make sense? an option for new users to watch a short sponsored video ad in exchange for a tiny top-up of BCH to their memo account - enough to be able to make several posts
Seems like a great idea to me. Get people to do work for a bit of BCH. That or solving captchas/intelligence tests would be a good solution as well.
Definitely agree. I think it would be better that a few satoshis from each action (post/like/etc), go to a "fund" that starts new users off
If your scheme is employed, any bad actor can monopolize the revenue sharing and take away from legitimate users while contributing to spam. Spotify has the same problem.
This poster is now introducing logic (Technique #2 Consensus Cracking), that suggests that using it is actually a good thing, getting people to waste time. https://pastebin.com/irj4Fyd5#