My best friend had his first child & as a gift I gave her a hardware wallet & some BCH. If anyone wants to help Kaya's college fund please feel free to do so: bitcoincash:qzga6el0lxh3t42t72nh3amsp5muj6s9ksdqdxm7nz
On the one hand I am happy beyond words. On the other hand being away from you for the next 2-3 weeks is going to be an ever present and lingering fog.
I am sorry anytime I make stress for you. But I promise I will do my best to make the positive things I add to your life much greater than these moments of discomfort.
I just saved 20% by shopping @PurseIO! I have both bought and earned now. Amazing system. Click the link to save an extra $5 and I get $5 too.
Just made my first purchase on using #BCH I will report back when the BCH is in my wallet. Super easy to use. If you sign up with my link we each get $5 free: