Earn some crypto, guess what 88 stands for in my name
Number of months until lightning network is finished?
Just released a visual update including a settings page with default tip and a dark theme. Let us know what you think!
Image and Youtube support added
Paper! Scissors with a higher tip wins
Reply rock, paper, scissors...go!
Memo breaks a record w/ 3k onchain txs in the last 24h after adding replies
Reply rock, paper, scissors...go!
22,800+ tx unconfirmed for BTC...
they can use rbf ,lol
24 hours until we can reply on memo!
If you can dream it, you can memo.cash it. - Walt Disney
Tulip bulbs are the real BTC
all tips to tip bot a distributed to memo users.
#tips #BCH
realDonaldTrump more annoying on Twitter=odd tip
more annoying on memo=even
“Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.” – Thoreau
Mark H. Wendell, 40, Asian, American
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX, US
Margarida Vaega, 47, Asian, New Zealander
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX, US
Neal Vaega, 38, Somoan, New Zealander
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX, US
Little One Jones, 2, white, American
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX, US
Chica Jones, 2, white, American
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX, US
Serenity Jones, 4, white, American
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX, US
Michelle Jones Thibodeau, 18, white, American
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX
Hollywood Sylvia, 1, white, American
d.4/19/1993, murder, Waco, TX, US