Earn some crypto, guess what 88 stands for in my name
Number of months until lightning network is finished?
Just released a visual update including a settings page with default tip and a dark theme. Let us know what you think!
Image and Youtube support added
Memo breaks a record w/ 3k onchain txs in the last 24h after adding replies
Reply rock, paper, scissors...go!
22,800+ tx unconfirmed for BTC...
they can use rbf ,lol
24 hours until we can reply on memo!
all tips to tip bot a distributed to memo users.
#tips #BCH
“Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes.” – Thoreau
Amazing. BCH Alpha test of memo on day 2 works better than LN after months.
[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
32 mb block size upgrad may. In 10 years we'll laugh at these tinny blocks!
Showing unconfirmed new posts now. Still some edge cases with 0-conf though
If Ravencoin does not hit $2 by end of 2018 I will shove a raven up my ass
Memo has reached 10,000 on-chain transactions!
Memo has reached 10,000 on-chain transactions!
bcash is saving babies today
Bitcoin is the real Bitcoin