Is the new "Trending" tags page similar to what you're talking about? I'm not familiar with the old Twitter style ranking, can you explain? Thanks for your input :)
Pretty much, thanks for pointing out. Personally, I would like to see all main functions on the on page just like with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. Thx for the hard work
You can't defeat aging. You can only try to slow it down.
U can defeat aging if u account for all cumulative damage. If it's genetically programmed, we should change genome. There's no laws of physics on the way of indefinite lifespan
One of the most important life lessons: if you have no children, the last third of your life will be filled with increasing death. If you have children, the last of your life will be filled with increasing life.
Unless u gave up on defeating aging. I'm not, so children instantly lose priority. U can't avoid being hitting by a bus no matter how many children u have
You know what would be cool? A dislike button where when you clicked it you paid into a fund that gave new users a small amount of Satoshi to get started with.
Nice. How about adding #video support? I guess with some external hosting like #ipfs?
A translation of satoshis into USD might be useful too. Do I send donations via the #memo tip jar?
Video support is planned. IPFS is currently the top choice for hosting. USD translations would be good. Thanks for the input. Yes, tipping is a great way to donate :)
I just have to say this. The freedom to say anything without worrying that I'm going to be banned by an overzealous Reddit moderator is one of the greatest things about Memo!
At the core, Capitalism is the right to keep the fruits of your labor. Socialism is where the government takes your fruits and redistributes them, thereby removing the incentive to create or produce anything.
I realize why I enjoy reading any argument started memo. The people involved are paying to argue with each other. We really do live in an amazing world. #bchfuckyeah