Memo now supports viewing, liking, and replying to Bitstagram posts!
There is a search-box on top of the `posts` page. The search-feature would get some usefulness for images if search-results included entries with replies that contain the query.
'In the infamous Bangkok miner's meeting, Craig and Jimmy said that the 3 goals need to be "stability, security, and scalability".
And Amaury just wanted to split, as long as he retains the BSV. And Roger said he prefers not to split with NO conviction in his voice. #bangkok $BSV @_opreturn
[from the wiki-link]
Repression is a key concept of psychoanalysis, where it is understood as a defence mechanism that "ensures that what is unacceptable to the conscious mind, and would if recalled arouse anxiety, is prevented from entering into it."
[from the wiki-link] A psychotherapist may try to ameliorate this behavior by revealing and re-introducing the repressed aspects of the patient's mental processes to their conscious awareness - 'assuming the role of mediator and peacemaker ... to lift the repression'. In favourable circumstances, 'Repression is replaced by a condemning judgement carried out along the best lines', thereby reducing anxiety over the impulses involved.
The regex for links looks to be a bit buggy. The linked url contains an example
the closing-parenthesis is outside of the regex-match
Seems like he, like a lot of people, is way too good at repressing. In the video he explains the direction for Bitcoin laid out by Satoshi, indicates that he does not agree with; acts like no direction was laid out - wut?
[from the wiki-link] Repression is a key concept of psychoanalysis, where it is understood as a defence mechanism that "ensures that what is unacceptable to the conscious mind, and would if recalled arouse anxiety, is prevented from entering into it."
Seems like he, like a lot of people, is way too good at repressing. In the video he explains the direction for Bitcoin laid out by Satoshi, indicates that he does not agree with; acts like no direction was laid out - wut?
Most of the anarchists seem to be repressing the reality of how law applies to crypto. It is very clear that all coins are by default securities & only the ones with specific properties fall into exceptions and are currency/commodity. I mean there are direct quotes on video from the SEC boss.
Vitalik QA ... 35:40 What advice would he give to Satoshi if he had a time-machine
Seems like he, like a lot of people, is way too good at repressing. In the video he explains the direction for Bitcoin laid out by Satoshi, indicates that he does not agree with; acts like no direction was laid out - wut?