I'm not saying you're wrong, but can you tell me what other forms of crypto currency involvement there are? To me it seems like it's all tied together.
Usage! like social media (Memo), tipping, texting, remittances to family / friends back home in poorer countries, charitable giving like EatBCH to feed the kids in Venezuela, etc.
For instance in 1940 1 in 1'000'000 americans died due to a Tetanus infection. Severe side-effects such as Brachial Neuritis occur in 1 of every 100'000 vaccinated individuum. That is factor 10.
u r simultaneously arguing against an appeal to nature (other species are homosexual) while making an appeal to nature (reproduction, the natural purpose of sex, is the only moral sex)
Homosexuality in other species is still an illness. Most if not all human illnesses can also be found elsewhere in other species.
Any ETA on when we will be able to hide / mute users and topics. The spam of some individuals is making it hard to follow discussions or have any at all in certain topics...
I don't want there to be one human race any more than I would want one world government or one world language. Singularity is bad, not good. Diversity – real diversity – is how life survives.
Soon there will be people on Mars, the sort of person that travels to another planet will be a certain kind, I am interested to see how evolution plays out there.