
Joined Apr 19, 2018

Hope this message lasts a little while. Also on WeiBlock: https://weiblock.app/user?id=621

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1515d · Memo
It is nice that BSV has lifted a lot of the limits and you can write long posts. I am not sure what the current max OP_RETURN size is, but I'm guessing it is higher than 100k now. They also increased the mempool chain limit from 25 to 1,000 with plans to remove it entirely. It makes it easier to use and build on top of when you don't have to deal with these limits. Hopefully Memo SV will one day thrive again! This post is too large for any of the other Bitcoin forks :)
2066d · Memo
Will be nice once the mempool limit is lifted
replied 2065d
Legacy core limits left over. I talked about it in this blog post: https://jasonc.me/blog/chained-0-conf-transactions-memo
replied 2140d
There is an Android app. iOS is in progress.
saved 2155d
2156d · memo
Today Memo celebrates 1 year since launch! Thanks to everyone who helped make Memo one of the top dapps in crypto!
PaidSockPuppet (bsv)
replied 2160d
It's not about what CSW is or isn't doing. It's that Binance is trying to peddle BTC at every street corner, starting here in Australia (https://binancelite.com/) and them listing BSV or BCH is at odds with that direction. So they'll come up with any excuse to de-list. My bet is if they do de-list BSV, it won't take long for BCH to follow.

Who really cares though? Speculation on price is the poison that has been holding, and continues to hold, real progress back.

Long term, what Binance does or doesn't do is irrelevant. When everyone can earn BSV and buy BSV directly using wallets, and use BSV, no one will care about exchanges, period.

Binance wants to peddle BTC because... a) They know it will never become ubiquitous due to design/implementation flaws. b) BTC HODLers will never realize or accept this fact, and c) There will always be a gambling market for shit coins because BTC simply cannot be the one project that everyone uses. This way the Binance casi...
saved 2161d
saved 2176d
saved 2176d
2195d · memo
Memo is now free! New user faucet is live!

2195d · memo
Memo is now free! New user faucet is live!

replied 2217d
damn, what shitty "service"
replied 2223d
We are planning to add a faucet that instead of paying out immediately, pays for individual transactions as needed. This should prevent wasted funding.
Censored platforms are useless for any kind of information exchange.

Everyone should abandon mainstream social media.
replied 2228d
No promises. Hopefully within the next month.
2224d · Bitcoin
Are you really in #Crypto if you are not blocked by Coretards, Faketoshi zealots, LTC pumpers and XRP shills?
replied 2245d
w00p w00p
Sk8eM dUb
BCH just had it's biggest single hour of volume on Bitfinex since mid-December during the ATH spike. 38 thousand BCHs just got bought for about 19 million bucks.
2429d · memo
Memo has reached 150,000 on-chain actions
2470d · Ideas to improve our lives
Give your parents a call, one day they won't be around anymore.tell them about your day and ask them about theirs 😀
it is so cool that even if you want to troll in Memo, pay the fee.