Jonathan Silverblood

Joined Apr 22, 2018

Jack-of-most-trades that likes to be fascinated with deep subjects like bitcoin, governance and energy.

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2353d · Bitcoin Cash
but chances are if we reach that future, my hardware and connection won't have stagnated on the way there. Also, normal non-specialy configured nodes try to get 30 connections, not 179 <3
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
In a future with *FULL* 250mb blocks consistently over the day, and me doing *NO* upgrades at all 'til then, I'd have to cull those down to about 50 connections. 25 in, 25 out.
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
I know that as a hobbyist, I don't mind having my #BU node up and running with 179 connections today on a ~12.5mb/s up and 12.5mb/s down connection.
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
Then on average, every 10 minutes we'd need to transfer 5Mb during the orphan window, and on average between the blocks, for each connected peer, we need to stream ~500kb/s of TX data.
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
graphene compresses block size by about 98~99% if mempools are consistent; so if we solve the performance issues with mempool acceptance and transaction relay to get consistent mepools..
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
assuming an average transaction has the size of 256bytes, a million transactions end up taking 256 million bytes. That's ~250mb.
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
at $0.01 per TX and 1 million TX, you get $10,000 as total fee reward. Todays blocks are roughly 12.5 BCH @ $500 which is $6,250 total reward.
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
for example, assume it's ok to pay $0.01 fees. Lets say mankind does at least 144million TX/day (less than visa), and we have 144 blocks per day. that is 1million TX/block.
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
then calculate how large blocks are needed to fit those transactions, and ask yourself if in an age where we can stream 4K movies... if it really is "undoable"
2353d · Bitcoin Cash
yoonski, why not do some math? Look at how valuable a block is today. Look at how much purchasing power a reasonable fee has. Calculate how many transactions are needed to egt the same value.
Everything you need to know about the Bitcoin Cash Fork

Chris Pacia, Lead developer for Open Bazaar, shares his thoughts with me about the upcoming Bitcoin Cash Fork
2354d · Bitcoin Cash
spark, the code for the insight servers is open source, you might want to try that?
2354d · memo
Also, can we make linked youtube video windows smaller? much much smaller? As it is now, a single user posting a youtube video makes my entire screen look bonkers.
2354d · memo
Why doesn't topic posts show up in my dashboards timeline?
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2355d
I don't think there are very many actual BTC people. Their meetups are all dying off. The Tokyo one has like 3 people that go, BCH has 25+ people weekly.
Sk8eM dUb
replied 2355d
I've heard that 1 sat/byte is actually pretty expensive. Mass usage is going to make mining way more profitable so I think we'll eventually get standard fees much lower than that.
replied 2354d
when Jimmy said "Do you think Satoshi is God?" I said out loud, "what a stupid question". Roger takes the mic and says the same thing lol my sides
2355d · Wallet Reviews
If you feel I missed anything or that there is a better way to do this, let me know. In a couple of days i'm going to hold a poll here to see which wallet I evaluate first.
2355d · Wallet Reviews
The template and methodology article is now up on
replied 2355d
they kindof are, but it's *so* unsatistying to see you get a tip of like 25,000 and it's not even worth a lollipop -.-
2355d · Riksdagsvalet 2018
Nu är rösterna snart färdigräknade och en regeringens sammansättning på väg att formaliseras. Hur känns det? Blev det som ni förväntade er eller ville att det skulle bli?
2355d · memo
Does anyone know the rationale for using satoshis as the unit of account on memo? (instead of bits/cash)
2355d · Translation Helpers
I'll go first. I'm willing to help translate wallets, apps, flyers, articles and whatnot from english to swedish.