Jonathan Silverblood

Joined Apr 22, 2018

Jack-of-most-trades that likes to be fascinated with deep subjects like bitcoin, governance and energy.

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2182d · memo
Could we get the warm soft nice green color on and let the harsh eyetearing monstrousity orange be on the default double-chain version instead?
2257d · Bitcoin Cash
quick note: Cash Accounts just entered beta - go test it at - public, decentralized, open aliasing system for all. :)
2287d · Bitcoin Cash
Not to mention that a secret chain of 10 depth is an extreme risk financially, as the chain needs to have more than just 10 depth, it needs to have a higher cumulative PoW as well.
2289d · memo
I tried to use The color is offputting. -.-
2293d · Bitcoin Cash
Why does it feel like this chat discussion here is >50% about SV these days? And why is it almost exclusively bashing BCH instead of being productive?
2295d · memo
Then you clearly haven't seen what harm fake twitter accounts posting fake news endorsed by andreas antonopoulis or vitalik butering has managed to do to unsuspecting users.
2295d · Bitcoin Cash
Hasn't the labor theory of value been debunked multiple times by now? It's a great signal, yes, but signals show peoples beliefs and people can be wrong.
2295d · memo
Or, maybe you have seen it, and just don't deem it particulary important.
2296d · memo
@memo I am working on implementing MIP-3 now, but feel that it should be possible to backdate either the MCR or the MCA; sometimes users test a new service, and only when they like it want to connect.
2296d · memo
He doesn't, but this sets expectations and if as endorsment without consent, is a real problem for @memo
2297d · memo
@memo is now being used as part of SV brand promotional material:
2300d · memo
Has @memo made any decision on what side of the fork the network will operate?
2301d ·
maybe someone here has an IP number to one of the stress test nodes they could share so I could set up the connection on my end?
2301d ·
I offered my node up as a TX relay, and Esthon said he'd reach out to me in private. - This has not happened yet, so I though...
2301d ·
I offered my node up as a TX relay, and Esthon said he'd reach out to me in private. - This has not happened yet, so I though...
2301d ·
Less than 5 hours left until the stresstest.
2303d · CashID
I'm currently working on a redesign of the identity manager to include wallet functions, so that I can showcase functions that relate to it without needing to rely on an external wallet for support.
2304d · Bitcoin Cash
I wish I had the willpower & guts to just shut down all news feeds and get to work, but this is just too darned tense <3
2304d · Bitcoin Cash
Interesting turn of events indeed.
TO: pzhc4vm32gtdnt94dpc20npcwkj920f4j5hp05qv6z
AMOUNT: 190000
TO: pzhc4vm32gtdnt94dpc20npcwkj920f4j5hp05qv6z
AMOUNT: 195666
2305d · memo
Two days left until fork day. I will go dark soon (on memo, not on twitter) and remove my funds (however small) so that I can fully control how I use them.
2305d · Bitcoin Cash
it is easy to work around though, there is plenty of other node softwares and removing it from ABC on your own node is easy.
2305d · Bitcoin Cash
They did set up a 6-month fork schedule, so this is to be expected.
2308d ·
Congratulations on successfully breaking a new record, and doing so consistently.