The destruction of value, ruthlessly attacking your peers, threats of economic damage and so on - is not how you maintain a coherent communities brand.
You win by extending the longest valid chain. Valid as in accepted by your peers - and measured by having your coinbase spendable after maturity with some degree of value.
"mine empty blocks" - "the way bitcoin was intended to work" <- where can I read about this state of intent for the bitcoin network? It certaintly isn't in the whitepaper.
Maybe you should consider the case where the BTC/BCH split was not an attack, and the ABC/BSV is not either - they might just be differences in opinon and forking is the proper outcome.
It's still hard to understand your project. You need to tell us in play words what it does and what it is for!
"Message [184]" <- memo is not a good place for elaborate explanations. In time, the site will contain use-case examples and explanations.
I don't understand CashID. How does it work and then what's the point.
Service provider (like memo) create a login request. Your identity manager (wallet) asks you if you want to authenticate. If so, it sends a signed request to the service provider.
Coingeek + SVpool + okminer + bmg pool have over 51% for a week now. If hashpower sees no "counterattack", they will have majority hash. But they still can't attack ABC at the same time
I met with Rick Falkvinge who is a long-time user of BitID in berlin yesterday and talked about CashID. Got some valuable feedback and a few actionable items I can do to improve the specification.
If enough people with followers intentionally tease on twitter and draw followers to Memo where the meat is, would that not help? Tired of people complaining about censorship etc
I guess it could help, and my cross-reference so far have been positive, but I don't think I can ever get the full following to move over.
I write roughly as often on memo as I do on twitter. The engagement has gotten better as of late, but only for a few topics. Hopefully this picks up momentum soon enough...
Do you mean "sweep wallet"? This is not what I was planning. I like to leave some coins here. What wallet software should I use? Coinomy only has sweep option.
I'm sorry I can't give you a good wallet recommendation for this, I haven't done it myself and was just showing where in the memo UI you can export your keys.
Reading the cashport web SDK, the implementation is more complex than CashID, because it by necessity supports payments. The payments themselves seem fine, but I dislike the 3rd party centralization
Remember that it is competing with free (usernames + passwords), and that it faces the same challenges as CashID + monetization issues: namely, its value depends on the network effect of handcash.