Jonathan Silverblood

Joined Apr 22, 2018

Jack-of-most-trades that likes to be fascinated with deep subjects like bitcoin, governance and energy.

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replied 2273d
ABC is the biggest threat to BTC - with ABC's upgrade BCH will make BTC look like a sad joke.
2274d · Bitcoin Cash
I’m not against ABC devs. They have helped educate me. I’m against the lack of accepting upset community and holding off from changes. CTOR helps 1 GB blocks. We are not there yet
replied 2275d
I put all this effort in for my own selfish financial gain. I realised shilling SV hard would make people not believe in SV and raise the "shill narrative". Invest in SV futures. Win.
2276d · Bitcoin Cash
SV fighting against ABC's upgrade makes them in my eyes nothing more than another Blockstream take over attempt.
2281d · Bitcoin Cash
Coingeek + SVpool + okminer + bmg pool have over 51% for a week now. If hashpower sees no "counterattack", they will have majority hash. But they still can't attack ABC at the same time
replied 2281d
Ask @memo.
replied 2287d
It doesn't have to be 100% to be effective, every bit can help the entire ecosystem. By the way, very excited to see adoption increase of your CashId.
2289d · CashID
Jonathan, what do you think about Cashport? It enables logging via Handcash wallet.
2290d · Bitcoin Cash
The one where Tone Vays gets REKT
replied 2291d
For now yes. We plan to use multiple keys that can recover ID from compromise. The funds would still be lost though.
replied 2291d
As blake said this has been brought up and is fairly standard practice. We are changing our stance on this though and will be removing plaintext passwords from local storage soon. Ty.
How Blockchains Work: Demo in De-Central Park

Lambo Llama and CryptoCodey joined me in Central park at a picnic to explain to people how blockchains work
replied 2295d
The concern about privacy is also valuable.
2295d · memo
memo is awesome!
2295d · Bitcoin Cash
Very interesting proposals to improve 0-conf transactions in Bitcoin Cash. I think nChain opposes them all.
2303d · Bitcoin Cash
Congratulations! Blockstream with their new Liquid product and L-BTC have invented Ripple and XRP!
2304d · Bitcoin
Sounds like centralized, permissioned, anti-bitcoin creation, but it's just me. And by bitcoin i mean the whitepaper bitcoin...
2305d · Linux
I'm amazed how well a lot of Steam games now runs under Linux! Now playing Life Is Strange.
replied 2306d
i saw your video on CashID. Looking forward to learning more about it in the future. It's amazing how much is happening on Bitcoin CASH.
2315d · Bitcoin Cash
#0conf -- Why would a thief double spend in a store when it's the same as walking out the door without paying and it's more time to be recorded on a security cam. #commonsense
replied 2312d
Looks like a good spec! There is a MIP for delegated keys in the works that could potentially use this.
2316d · Bitcoin Cash
I Tweeted Max Keiser. He has hosted Tone Vays many times on the Keiser Report, mostly to talk about BTC technicals.
2317d · Bitcoin Cash
How and why bitcoin split into Bitcoin-BTC and Bitcoin-BCH
2320d · memo
Could we adjust PROFILES->NEW to allow tipping new sign-ons ->lacking names<- ? This would help onboard new accounts to quiickly tip them enough BCH to set name and begin posting...
2320d · memo
I just onboarded and the process should be 1-2-3: 1. signup generates address to tip. 2. we tip the new address. 3. they can start.