Hot damn, we haven't even hit the official time, and I'm blown away by how much was thrown at stress testing already. BTC doesn't stand a chance. BCH forever!
Yup. Ive been liking and creating posts here on all day to help the stress test (Not to mention is cool is shit anyways, so that helps).
Less than 18 hours till the BCH Stress test! Remember you can like posts on with 546 Satoshi to help with it!
Going to start my test early. Can't wait for tomorrow, It's like Christmas!
On the NovFork debate, I will use the stress test day results to make up my own mind. Can 32mb blocks be successfully mined? Will orphan rates stay constant? Etc.
Unsure about the new "reply" button. It shows # replies already. I expect if I click, to see them, but I get my own comment entry. How to see them? Oh, click on timestamp @ top of post.
Makes more sense to reply *after* looking at exist replies to not duplicate. Also, should have tooltips on those buttons. Still think replies should be in chrono order down the screen.
If there is anyone here that wants me to test a wallet that is not listed on that website, let me know where I can find the wallet and I'll try to get a more complete test coverage.
One of the disadvantages of Memo is no edit or delete possibilities. Perhaps there is a work around? Maybe posts can be tagged so that memo doesn't see them anymore?
Edit and delete actions can be added to the protocol and supported in the UI. Of course since it's on-chain you will always be able to see the original.
New Update! Stresstest building, status bars, live lists, guide, new settings, autoscroll, notifications, donation effects, segwit luggage bus & more! Full post later on reddit.
beautiful, thanks @Tom, the segwit luggage bus is hilarious!
New Update! Stresstest building, status bars, live lists, guide, new settings, autoscroll, notifications, donation effects, segwit luggage bus & more! Full post later on reddit.
Andreas M. Antonopoulos talks Blockchain, the role of government, and the scaling debate.
Andreas, there is no need to buy coffee through the banks credit cards. As a coffee merchant. i would like to keep my profits. Bitcoin Cash is a great form of money
Is there a site where I can answer questions asked by people in exchange of bch ? I think the community needs something like that for very specific questions. Something like could be a fun name
@Memo: I really like the "Dashboard -> Everyone" page. May I suggest that we make that part of the frontpage/landing page. It immediately shows a first time visitor the full activity of the site.
How would the volatile posts be implemented? how would they be distributed? how short lifetime would still be guaranteed?
The basic idea is a memo "plugin" that you can use on reddit for example ( "post contents ...etc.etc." /u/saveOnMemo ). This way you can add censorship resistance on other platforms
Pre-consensus does not change consensus rules. So, even if one client implements something like that, the network is still working on the same consensus rules.
I certainly respect your right to use the permissionless blockchain but it seems like a competitor with a more efficient storage system might make you regret this decision one day :)
How would people access that storage system w/out getting censored?
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it. The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.