For usability, I look to the applications focus (does the user interface match the indended use case?), usabiltiy (does the user interface match reasonable standards for accessibility)
The overall rating will then be 1~5 depending on how well I believe that the wallet performed, with 1 point for each section that it behaves satisfactory, even if not perfectly, in.
Inspired by my article earnings, I want to do a serie of wallet reviews, in detail and with screenshots and clear examples, but first I need to make a comparison scoreboard..
I am comparing fees and will note if I experience any significant delay in usability. I also decided not to support non-cashaddr wallets as I consider them outdated.
Update: I have now tried to fund the wallets, and only 12 out of 21 wallets worked for me. 3 of them did not support CashAddr, two of them outright didn't support BCH.
Some years back I played a game with their in-game chat in an IRC chatroom, allowing people to talk with in-game players from outside the game. Can memo facilitate this?
If there is anyone here that wants me to test a wallet that is not listed on that website, let me know where I can find the wallet and I'll try to get a more complete test coverage.
I've just downloaded and installed every single android wallet for #BCH listed on the site. In the coming days I'll fund each with $10 or so.