I remember when:
- I had a _30_ MB (yes, that is megabyte) hard drive
- I used 5¼" 360 KB (yes, that is kilobyte) floppy disks
- I connected to _BBS_ with a 9600 baud modem
Got you beat. 30 MB external hard drive the size of a small desktop 160KB floppy (320 but you had to manually flip the disk) 2400 baud modem with nearly nothing to connect to.
Found it. The Posts tab. I was on the main page before and didn't see a search bar or the search icon.
Great. Note that the search on the ranked posts page will only search recent ranked posts, and order them by rank. If you want all posts chronologically, use the new posts page
I wasn't sure whether it was going to hold long enough to make a big deal about, but it's been there for over 24 hours now... you know what that means...