AustEcon [SV]

Joined May 04, 2018

Voluntaryist. Austrian economics. Truth, Liberty & Bitcoin cash.

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2127d ·
event that they cannot hold onto control of the original chain in a hash war
2127d ·
But if I'm understanding correct... then my argument still holds... it is a social layer... where ABC want to usurp the BCH ticker and change it over to a new "magic number" in the
2127d ·
I have to go... won't respond for a while... laters
2127d ·
Am I right in saying that the most POW will hold onto the original "magic number at genesis block"
2127d ·
I also think that Jihan is the person to blame for segwit. Same situation. He failed us. That's why BTC got the ticker... more POW
2127d ·
They blatantly lied. Should be sued if they try to pull this kind of shit
2127d ·
Gaslighting traders etc. is fraud
2127d ·
I want more money where mouth is and less bickering. But I also don't want nafarious shit from ABC and Coinex... play fair. Engage in the hash war. Buy more hash power if needed!
2127d ·
I don't want to HAVE to remain on social media to correct people and discuss things. Bitcoin should just WORK. (this is the Bitcoin SV vision and will become a reality)
2127d ·
I'm a maximalist. We can't just have people changing the ticker symbol every 5 minutes because they are more effective shit posters and gaslighters on reddit and own the exchange
2127d ·
I hope that miners just start 51% attacking minority chains. I want this to get serious. We are running out of time to scale up txn volume and take over from block subsidy
2127d ·
@chalbersma it is an attack on Nakamoto consensus. It is taking a stance that you are against Nakamoto consensus. I hold people to account for taking this view. It is wrong.
2127d ·
I just hope that all the other exchanges hate Jihan enough to have BCH go with the majority POW chain which could be BU or BSV
2127d ·
read coinex announcment. It is crystal clear what their intentions are
2127d ·
Then they will fork and exchanges like coinex will try to gaslight traders.
2127d ·
They should be able to throw their massive skin in the game behind their preferred investment decision. BSV is focused big picture. ABC is focused on making a quick buck via WHC
2127d ·
nakamoto consensus is how bitcoin is protected from proof of social media. Guys like CSW shouldn't have to be prolific reddit shit posters and steal ticker symbols
2127d ·
@chalbersma if the exchanges just collude with bitmain and ABC to gaslight traders into thinking 'BCH' is the minority POW chain. We now have a proof of social media coin
2127d · Coinex
After reading this thread ^^ you can't continue to deny that ABC is staging a hostile takeover... No ABC you don't own the 'BCH' ticker symbol with minority of POW!
2127d · Coinex
2127d ·
You can't read this thread ^^ and not think that ABC are staging a hostile takeover
2127d ·
2127d ·
Roger was saying that some want to HF to be in May next year. I hope that's the case
2127d ·
exchanges and block explorers, txstreet etc.
2127d ·
By the same token... once BSV is well tested I would like to see miners be pushed along a bit to get their act together and keep up with hardware requirements. same goes for online