AustEcon [SV]

Joined May 04, 2018

Voluntaryist. Austrian economics. Truth, Liberty & Bitcoin cash.

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2219d · Coinex
They're also telling everyone to keep their BCH on exchange to keep your coins "safe"
2219d · Coinex
They are lying about there being a fork coming. I think they're going to try to gaslight and steal the BCH ticker symbol if they lose the hash war
2219d ·
gaslighting. Fraudulent bastards. It's clear now why Craig hates them so much. It's obvious now
2219d ·
They'll freeze up trading for the so-called BSV which will actually be BCH and they'll promote and make it smooth functioning to trade BCH which will be their minority POW chain
2219d ·
Shame that Roger is not on board with bitcoin SV. Hopefully he goes with BU (neutral).
2219d ·
hahahah Websites are showing signs of STRESS guys!
2219d ·
This is the additional thing I'd like BSV to add to their implementation to take it to the next level... orphan small blockers!!! muahahahaha
2219d ·
who are these tards mining tiny blocks? I wonder if there should not only be an upper limit but also a lower limit for blocks (i.e. you get orphaned if you are not meeting minimum)
2219d ·
x2dm... yeah and we had to work pretty hard just to get it here!!!! hahaha
2219d ·
Even though the mempool exceeds 32mb... All that matters is that your txn is >1sat/byte to get into the mempool and 0-conf is happy! :)
2219d ·
It looks like 0-conf and still works just fine
2219d ·
2219d ·
Ant pool just mined a realy tiny block? what?
2219d · Coinex
Rawdeal... I wouldn't get too worried. But definately withdraw when you can and don't keep your BCH on there in November hardfork time period. Serious shits about to go down!
2219d · Coinex
Ignore them. Watch the train wreck from afar
2219d · Coinex
I think everything will be just fine if you keep your BCH off of coinex
2219d ·
Just get your money off of coinex and you'll be fine. They are telling all of thier customers to put ALL of their BCH on their exchange to keep it "safe" - run away!!!
2219d · Coinex
Well I am a little afraid. But I'm simply calling it as I see it. You seem to be agreeing with me though anyway.
2219d ·
Yeah but they're telling all of their customers that there IS a fork - when there is NOT
2219d ·
They want to gaslight everyone into thinking that their minority POW chain is "BCH" and the majority POW chain is "BSV" so that the market cap on exchanges drives reverse of truth
2219d · Coinex
Get your money off of coinex guys
2219d ·
Coinex showing their true colours now! Lying about a fork and will attempt to steal the BCH ticker if they lose the hash war imo...
2219d ·
2219d ·
My is working fine. Just did >800 txns
2219d ·