
Joined Apr 15, 2018

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1838d · Life reduction
Do meth and alcohol every single day, also smoke cigarettes. Drink no water, only energy drinks and move as little as possible, no vegetables, no sun so you get a vitamin D deficiency
1838d · MGTOW/Incel/BlackPill Discussion Thread
replied 1858d
Well women are tindering around nowadays and there's probably a few men who are actually successful on that app.
1866d · Elongated Skulls
How smart were these sons of bitches?
1874d · Passive Cryptocurrency Income
So this is your referral link? Nice try.
1879d · alien comics
Why are they alien comics? It's just comics about normal people except that they look like aliens.
1919d · Bitcoin Cash
I don't know how effective adoption is for every day products. You need some sort of killer product or feature that requires you to obtain BCH. Something like what drug stores did to early BTC
replied 1943d
I think currently it is technologically reasonable to make the blocks a bit faster. But what happens to the mining? Wouldn't increase the BCH supply faster and we're halving sooner?
1947d · Conspiracy theories
I hope they find some aliens D:
1965d · Bitcoin Cash
BSV supporters sound as religous as BTC supporters, kinda worrisome.
1971d · Bitcoin Cash
Then stop using a BCH website
replied 1979d
Bitcoin Faucet
Wow, beautiful what CSW has done to this community. We were already small, now we are even smaller.
1984d · Bitcoin Cash
But I honestly wish Memo's forums were a little bit more extensive, maybe you can create longer posts if you merge the characters from multiple transactions
1984d · Bitcoin Cash
Maybe someone needs to advertise the existence of Memo, it's gonna cost something but there are probably people that would appreciate such a platform and be worth it in the long run.
1984d · Bitcoin Cash
But you need to sell something really unique otherwise people have no reason to acquire BCH. I still think we need some sort of service that doesn't realy exist anywhere else. No idea.
replied 1984d
Yeah, not very impressive gains. I have always liked Coinex their website works really well but this whole thing apparently didn't work out too well. I'll keep waiting for now.
1984d · Bitcoin Cash
How can we create more demand for BCH and increase its value? Any ideas?
1984d · Coinex
Yeah its kinda weird how Coinex said they were gonna pay out dividends but are not doing so.
replied 1984d
Sk8eM dUb
The price can only stabilize when the majority of coins are distributed between people. We need to create more demand for BCH first.
1985d · Flat Earth
It's more likely that the CIA kickstarted the FE movement as a psy-op
1985d · Flat Earth
Government agencies certainly don't always speak the truth, but lying about the shape of the Earth, that's a waste of time
1985d · BCH Speculation
Unless you are in a situation where you desperately need money, goddamn HODL. I know it sounds stupid but it's true.
1985d · BCH Speculation
I don't think there is a point in selling BCH right now, instead of getting so little money you might as well get no money. Wait and chill people.
1998d · Craig Steven Wright
He wants to acquire full control of BCH through a hostile takeover, I don't think it will work, but it sure as hell doesn't help the BCH community right now
1998d · Craig Steven Wright
I think Craig Wright has actually gone insane. The accusations about him have pushed him into a corner and now he is looking for desperate attempts to gain back some sort of authority