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saved 1053d
Is it weird that the person who made me believe in BSV is the same person who made me lose faith in it?
saved 1053d
The GOP and Trump's team removing Trump's treaty with the Taliban and post where he said troops needed to be removed quicker than Biden's plan from republican sources basically tells you how far they will go to continue the lies.
saved 1053d
This statement sounds selfish or am I reading it wrong. Profits and Property are two things that shouldn't be prioritized for a better society. This goes against biblical principles 101.
saved 1056d
Thinking of running another giveaway. It keeps me sane.
saved 1057d
Imagine posting on twitter "Good Morning Twetch"
saved 1057d
Thanks! The end of it looked like a slim jim and the top looked like it could be a deer, but honestly it could be any kind.
saved 1057d
Dehydrated Meat
saved 1058d
saved 1060d
saved 1064d
God will protect me from covid says gun buyer.
saved 1066d
Mo Bsv, Mo Twetches.
Today's lesson is that there is a difference between Treatment and Vaccines. You don't need treatment if you don't have the illness. The treatment may not "cure" all the ailments especially long-term damage.
saved 1066d
Mo Bsv, Mo Twetches.

Today's lesson is that their is a difference between Treatment and Vaccines. You don't need treatment if you don't have the illness. The treatment may not "cure" all the ailments especially long-term damage.
saved 1067d
@14519 Sending you my last coins. It isn't much but fight the fight.
saved 1067d
If you aren't going to respect a personal experience that is currently affecting my family, then shut up.

but Trump...WAHHH, But Government...WAAHHH

You aren't intellectual enough to have a conversation if you can't respect experience.

True Troll.
saved 1067d
/trolltoll @6345 $5
saved 1067d
The problem with anti-government conspiracy theorists is, even with resounding evidence, you still don't believe they can do anything in your best interest.
saved 1067d
One of my brothers got it early on and he recovered. Since there is a new variant, it would require to run its course. Additionally, it wouldn't determine long-term effects.

Also, Not a real focus group, it's my family's experience after a gathering.
saved 1067d
Wasting the last few cents after my giveaway. I didnt realize record keeping was so well done when the Polio,smallpox, or measles vaccine was introduced.

I presented real world evidence and you present "Some stuff i read on the internet".
saved 1067d
Seems like a good time to tell you to get vaccinated. My extended family this week is a good focus group. Vaxxed who got it, little to no symptoms. Unvaxxed who got it, miserable, nausea, losing smell, taste feeling like trash. Ages: 20s - 40s.
saved 1067d
Should be in your Twetch Wallet by now! Thanks for playing!
saved 1067d
Bye BSV Giveaway! 34 likes, 27 branches. 62 entries. 1.98 earned on this post + .52 (personal fund) = $2.50

Congrats @2061 ! Payment coming soon.
saved 1074d
That would have been a good idea if I had another account, but fortunately I don't. (This paid for by my handcash account, to keep my twetch wallet intact).
saved 1074d
Bye BSV Giveaway! I will give away my @852 BSV (Currently .27) and any additional earned BSV. Like or comment to be entered, branch to be entered twice. This will run until August 2nd. The more that enter, the more you can win!
saved 1074d
Please stop liking and responding, I am trying to leave!!
saved 1074d
As I said, not all white men and based on evidence...

For reference, this post was initially started as a response to a "racial" posting from a Filipino regarding Native Americans and the follow-up comments made by white men.