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saved 1078d
If you had a 5th grade reading level, you would acknowledge I didn't say all white men and the "or" statement provides the proper sentence structure to affirm that.

I do appreciate the free BSV I get from your idiotic reply though.
saved 1078d
If you are complaining about something and you include "Cancel Culture", "Go woke, Go Broke" or "SJW" as the cause, I automatically assume you are either a white male or a crybaby. Sorry, but that is just the way it is based on evidence.
saved 1080d
At least our memories will live on forever on the blockchain!
saved 1081d
Just realized i only have 0.05 left in my Twetch wallet. Not sure I will refill it.

Feels like an old arcade where i'm out of tokens, but the tickets I earned will just get me a tootsie roll.
saved 1081d
I am just relieved that Covid is fake and vaccines are stupid -
saved 1082d
These kids and their Trolltolls. @1227 really got you this time!
saved 1082d
/trolltoll @1227 $5
saved 1082d
The feeling is mutual.
saved 1082d
Almost always somehow less sensational as the articles.
saved 1082d
I was going to respond that group thinking would be better but then i read this headline.
saved 1082d
Some People: "Why do we need the government to tell us to wear Masks! We aren't stupid!"

Same people that need "Don't put your hand near lawnmower blade while operating" stickers.
saved 1084d
What do Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump, Candice Owens all have in common?

They are anti-vaxxers who are all vaccinated.
saved 1084d
All the replies and responses to @14519 would have broken #ETH by now. @292
saved 1087d
I have saved it to my Youtube Watch Later list for viewing. Contrary to popular belief, I am a normally open-minded person. Have a good weekend.
saved 1087d
Hello to everyone who is late to an earlier conversation. Have a good day.
saved 1087d
Ignores direct comment but ok.
saved 1087d
Experts Online is a great example of an oxymoron, like Christian Patriot, Good Debt or Unregulated Currency.

If you believed what you just said, that people can believe who they want, you wouldn't have entered a conversation that didn't involve you.
saved 1087d
Nobody who profits off it since she worked on it for other viruses, prior to covid, to test effectiveness.

I guess hospitals are lying too, promoting a product that would lessen their profits. Now I see why @ohnoitsface constantly out argues you.
saved 1087d
I love when people try to outsmart you without realizing you have actual facts and not the hearsay they say isn't true based on their hearsay.

Keep showing your stupidity and keep liking the moronic responses. Now I see how to work Twetch.
saved 1087d
Since my Niece is a nurse who worked in a lab developing the vaccine use for mRNA, then yeah, I guess I did talk to somebody.

Oddly, i find a personal connection more informational and useful than your ONLINE sources and translations of what people say.
saved 1088d
I'm not Fox News, do your own research.
saved 1088d
Stearns, researching would show the mechanisms behind vaccines like Moderna/Pfizer have been in the works and tested for years. They just have to be "coded" to fight the specific virus.

Stop reading your conspiracy crap, no wonder you have a TROLL toll.
saved 1088d
but Murica.
saved 1088d
When is the news and GOP going to share the explosive Arizona fraud news? Probably never because it got fact checked within hours. You people are ridiculous, no wonder I can't get anyone to join when that is the first posts they will see.
saved 1089d
Wait, is the giveaway the big Twetch news. It can't be, @3 would never allow it! :D