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saved 160d
God eternal within the body
1 hour 15 min to 1 hour 25
saved 161d
Medium access control?
saved 171d
The Holly Tree is a symbol of strength, protection, and good fortune. It is believed to have the power to ward off evil spirits and bring luck, prosperity, and protection. It is also seen as a symbol of fertility and rebirth.
saved 171d
What is iLEX used for?
This medication is used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, rough, scaly, itchy skin and minor skin irritations (such as diaper rash, skin burns from radiation therapy). Emollients are substances that soften and moisturize the skin and decrease itching and flaking.
saved 171d
Historically, American holly fruit tea was used as a heart stimulant by American Indians. Yaupon, another type of holly, was used to cause vomiting, and Yaupon tea was used as a ceremonial "cleanser" in South America. Holly is also used for cough, fever, digestive disorders, heart disease, and other conditions.
saved 171d
The Druids regarded Ilex (holly) as a symbol of fertility and eternal life, thought to have magical powers. Holly Wreath on Old Door. Today, Christians have adopted the holly tree as a symbol for Christmas. The sharp leaves are said to symbolize the crown of thorns worn by Christ, while the berries represent his blood.
saved 171d
Holly was a popular Saturnalia gift among the Romans (the Roman celebration at the winter solstice honoring their god, Saturn) who later brought holly to England, where it was also considered sacred. Christians later adapted the legends; and during some periods of history, it was called the “holy” tree.
saved 171d
Ilex is a large genus of more than 400 species of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs, and climbers from woodland regions the world over. Hollies are grown for their leaves, which are often spiny and glossy, and their colorful berries, which often attract birds. Flowers are small, cup-shaped, and rather inconspicuous and are borne from spring to early summer.
saved 172d
The number of the sun is 666. The sixth planet is Saturn. Its wild how religion inverts things, why is Jesus and Lucifer are reflection.
saved 172d
I'll check it out
saved 172d
Ixion a dwarf planet?
saved 172d
Saturn the sixth planet with the hexagram is definitely a synchronicity. This is the first I ever heard of Shamash.
saved 172d
saved 172d
Funny words Sol and Halo
saved 172d
I'm just doing the ABC s, since the start of April, yesterday was H and with the solar eclipse, I chose Helios. I see a connection with halo and consciousness, without a sun there is no life. I have no intention of offending, but if I do I don't give a fuck.
saved 172d
Are you triggered? Please don't try to convert me and I don't need a priest or a pope to communicate with source. I am good with your beliefs, just don't care really
saved 172d
Sun Gods: Ancient Solar Deities From Around the World
Ra — The Egyptian Sun God.
Sol — The Norse Sun Goddess.
Helios — The Sun God of the Greeks.
Arinna — The Hittite Goddess of the Sun.
Surya — The Hindu Sun God.
Huitzilopochtli — The Aztec God of the Sun.
Inti — The Incan Sun God.
Kinich Ahau — Mayan Sun God.
saved 172d
Christ consciousness you feel the love of a million mothers in your heart, not just for a few but for everyone. You do not imagine it, you feel it – this love that Jesus, Krishna, all of the great ones manifested – this universal intelligence and love which is called Christ Consciousness.
saved 172d
Crown Chakra:

It encourages an individual to think more than just oneself and about the world surrounding us, explore metaphysical concepts, attain self-realization, and have an in-depth understanding of the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.
saved 172d
The mythological tales of Helios emphasized his unwavering commitment to illuminating the world with his radiant light. This portrayal underscored the vital role of the sun in sustaining life and fostering growth across the earth.
saved 172d
According to the ancient myths, the Sun was put in a chariot and everyday God Helios would drive the chariot all along the sky. That is how the Sun would rise and set. Phaethon was the son the god Helios who secretly took the chariot one day to drive it.
saved 172d
As an Olympian, Helios had the common titan powers, including immortality, teleportation, invincibility, superhuman strength, durability, stamina, accuracy, and regeneration Sun/light control Light manipulation Solar manipulation He presumably had the standard powers of a Titan. He could travel at the speed of light.
saved 172d
Helios was depicted as a handsome, usually beardless, man clothed in purple robes and crowned with the shining aureole of the sun. His sun-chariot was drawn by four, sometimes winged, steeds.
saved 172d
The ancient Greeks personified the sun as a handsome god named Helios. His astronomical pedigree was impeccable: He was the son of the Titan Hyperion and the Titaness Theia. Helios was also the brother of Selene, the goddess of the Moon, and Eos, the goddess of the dawn.
saved 173d
What is the black thing?