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saved 54d

BitMart, the exchange intimately involved with taking BSV from $492 to $106 in 2 months in Summer 2021 in the "double spend" attack, is now the #1 exchange in BTC volume.

BitMart is owned by FenBuShi.

The "Bu" in FenBuShi stands for Buterin, as in Vitamin Buterin, the silly little boi-clown who dresses in pink and purple and creepily supports kiddie porn (and god knows what else? kiddie snuff films?) and hogged 70% of the Ethereum distribution against the advice of his lawyer-advisor who tried to prevent him from breaking security law in the Eth ipo.

The other two names, I believe, are PRC nationals:

Bo "Shi" Shen (Shanghai) started off life in pharma and switched to "BitShares" with Dan Larimer and Charles Hoskinson (one of the Ethereum mafia). BitShares is now $9mm market cap, deader than a skeleton holding a pet rock.

This means more power to Vitamin Buterik & his cronies, who stink on ice.
saved 55d

1) What is ASCII art? How does one convert a standard photo format to "ASCII art"?
2) Why wouldn't there be a pop-up warning explaining this when pressing the upload picture button?
2) b) How did you find this out?? I need to get the newsletter.
3) I'm assuming you're joking.
saved 55d
Never heard anyone call CSW a radical leftist. In which way?

Should @SLictionary define just "derp" or is all 3 necessary as in "derp derp derp"?

(would add a picture, but not possible anymore)
saved 56d
Anyone able to upload pictures to a twetch?
saved 59d
Anyone else having trouble loading pictures into twetches? iOS safari attempt failed.
saved 59d
Really like your thinking here— cool way to look at it.

I prefer to think of Columbus (Colõn?) as going long trade routes to the “Indies” and pressing his and his brother’s edge in Navigation. He was trying to find a cheaper trade route to the Indies to get some peppa to go with that Mediterranean sea salt, and some cinnamon toast crunch. He even called the Bahamas & Haiti “The West Indies”.

Aside: When is Mel Gibson gonna figure out that Christopher Columbus is a christian hero and needs a redo movie? What a story, and the last favorable movie on this topic was the 1950s. What a tragedy.
saved 59d
saved 74d
Only been barking it for 2.5 years now.
But it's true I've been thinking BSV is a decent speculative investment since April 2019. It's actually up about 100% since then— not exactly my finest call, but it hasn't hurt and the rate of return beat T-bills since then.

Here's an old article about timing and pricing:

If you get even one right, generally you do well. It's the holy grail to get both right at the same time, but that's EXTREMELY hard to do, or we'd all be boasting higher rates of return than Rennaisance Medallion Fund (which are the best in the world for a diversified fund).

Also, I'm not done in BSV— haven't sold any. And frankly, when people tell me advice like you just gave, it generally reassures me that I'm not getting out; although, only my right/wrong meter makes this decision ultimately. My right/wrong meter hasn't...
saved 80d
Like Craig Wright being labeled a felon is gonna affect price 🤣

The main guy behind Monero has been under criminal theft charges since 2019, been handcuffed and extradited, and still Monero trades north of #BSV!

Digital coins won’t show their metal until “the tide goes out” in deflationary collapse and we see which ones are liquidated for real assets. A game of chicken.

Prices in digital coins are mostly affected by what CZ and Tetherbois want them to be. If money can be made by squeezing shorts in #BSV, the price can go up.

The one counterbalance to Tether pair control of BSV’s price concentrated acute buying or selling which can overcome the manipulation algorithm which best operates in times of low liquidity.
saved 82d
FUCK, another full 3 page article lost. Pressed "post" and it didn't take, but appeared to take, and then nothing. Didn't press "save draft" like it's 1998 Microsoft Word days, so lost everything. Never again using Twetch to write an article, but I said that last time.
saved 82d
Cool! (on ID version of MB)

Until we have better data on how Binance makes their sausages (which we MAY get once CZ is sentenced this year, and monitor is appointed), I don't know how they wash their trades, only that they definitely do.

It can be as easy as two servers in the same room, moving a billion dollars in one transaction, between two accounts owned by the same person, separated only by shell company designations.

So that's why KYC/AML exists in equity markets for instance, so that not only can 9/11-style attacks be thwarted by seeing WHO is shorting the airlines ahead of the attack, and covering them after the attack, but also to see if bad actors are artificially creating volume to change the volume-wieghting of daily prices to screw up trading algos and create deception of liquidity where none actually exists.

In the movie the Sting, the room is filled with people, who all appear to the MARK to be independent players, but in reality everyone in the ro...
saved 83d
Crew practice. Every stroke.
Swimming practice, esp on cold days outdoors in May.
many many teachers classes which were necessary, but the teachers sucked.
5 years in the submarine Navy. Ever been to sea for 56 days and not seen the light of day? Or floated for 6 months? Or started a nuclear reactor seasick AND still inebriated from the night before?
North of 50% of ALL of formal schooling.
Nuclear Engineer school.
Caddying in 100 degree heat, 2 bags, 4 hour rounds, 3 rounds in a day, for less than $40 USD.
Pretty much every jiu jitsu session. I don't even like it, but it's a good skill and need to be an example for the kiddies.
Talking with you on Twetch, telling me I don't know nuthin, while I grit my teeth to preserve your softshelled innocence.🤣

This is just a short list.
saved 83d
Well, it could still be spoofed actually. We would need true identity to make sure the transactions aren't washes, which is the whole point of banking KYC/AML rules. The offshore cryptocurrency exchanges just don't have them, and that's why they get out of the USA, and also why they don't usually have geographic locations.

As the Felon who invented Bitcoin would say, identity is firewalled in bitcoin.
saved 83d
BSV's Price & Trading: Checking-in
by John Pitts

BSV's price is still made-up.

No need for precision, just using your eyeballs on the chart pictured below, and brain-addition/math will tell you that 99% of BSV trading is total nonsense, and BSV's real volume in the last 24 hours (a weekday in an epoch which "crypto" has never been hotter) is less than $1 million.

Ignore the Korean Won trading, as it's a mistake.

USDT is pretty much all wash-trading to push the price where certain exchange leaders want it.

When you see a big move up or down, that's likely a REAL buyer or seller coming into BSV and using a far-too-large order amount compared to the real volume. And by "far" I'm only talking like $50 to $100k, since that would be 5-10% of today's volume.

To trade effectively and fairly, an entity is best on ONE exchange; in fact, this happens naturally as it's the nature of liquidity and markets historica...
saved 91d
Little bits of sanity poking holes in 🤡🌏 is a good sign:


Also interesting is this is after a higher court sent the lower court ruling back.
saved 91d
What gave it away Sherlock? My poetry about making a perfect echo chamber for myself?

My blocking and troll-tolling game, while top notch, is always a few sandwiches short of a picnic. i stick to blocking the indignant AND simoultaneously ignorant. Frankly, that doesn’t block nearly enough, even tho in this day & age it’s a LOT of people.

I’m not blocking you bc i’m not deep enough in the cult for my liking. you’re a bit soft but that’s ok when you’re young.
saved 91d
Well you're a good sport about it, so there's at least that!
Wish I could say the same for myself, but being decent has never been my strongsuit.
saved 91d
Yep, big mistake by Craig. I’ve already written this to him— have you?

Christie was a horrendous damaging hire similar to hiring a ship captain who crashes his ship.

I have to live with the reality and it has severely affected my life in many ways. It doesn’t change what is right and truthful tho.

The question is: whaddya gonna do about it?

When people stop thinking bitcoin’s only purpose is to usurp government currencies, then we will be a lot further to using it properly bc all the ancaps will have found some other thing to focus on. I dunno, like Beam coin in nimble nimble or Dash or one of the anon coins. If this Laws don’t matter concept is important to you, why would you want to be in BSV??

Same as my supposition: If you wanna sell non-sensical ponzi art to others and profit, why in hell are you in BSV? You can make millions quickly by selling that stuff in Ethereum, Dogecoin, solana, btc! I don’t care if people sell heroin bungee jumps without a bungee cor...
saved 91d
I guess most people would just respond “ok boomer” to this, but I’ll not be an ass:

Property Law in bitcoin is assumed. This has nothing to do with bitcoin “changes”. You also cannot spend bitcoin on assasinating people like Ross Ulbricht tried to do. This is not a hard concept and I already explained it. If you and Shadders choose not to accept it, then you deserve to be criticized for not understanding that issuers of commodities don’t change Federal laws in capitalistic societies. Like. EVER.

Alert Key. Ask Gavin about it. Ask Craig about it.

Anarchy isn’t here yet; until then, Shaggers is just proving he doesn’t understand the first thing about bitcoin. bitcoin is a commodity.

Here’s my “burden”: Federal Law »»»»» Commodity Protocol.

“HONEST, as in Nodes, is written how many times in the white paper? Any action taken by honest nodes to dismiss dishonest node blocks is part of the protocol if you read the white paper and interpret the code.

And just pr...
saved 91d
A weird fascination of mine: when really old jokes become topical and relevant again. 4 cents in BSV if you know the punchline to some jokes from the 1970s and 80s:

Did you hear about Salman Rushdie’s new book? It’s called _____ ___ ___ ____.

How many people does it take to drive the Exxon Valdez? ___ ___ _ _____.
saved 92d
Thank you; this is a PERFECT example of Shaggers having no idea what he's talking about, despite YEARS with access to Satoshi.

1. Gold into Lead and Back Again
Find me that quote, by SATOSHI. What does it mean?
Hint: it's about theft, not losing 30 bucks in the ocean.

If you lose $100, Satoshi says (paraphrased) "lost money makes everyone else's money worth more". He doesn't say this about "lost $100 million dollars"! 🤣. I don't know how much time its going to take people to understand "small casual transactions" and Satoshi's extensive talking about them, and how that's the #1 innovation of bitcoin. LOWER FEES, not anarchy.

3. Crime
I dunno who Bostjan is, but he's spot-on here. Commodities have rules associated with commodities, not the general law of nations. Crude oil protocol doesn't include dumping it wherever people like, on some guy's house and then lighting it on fire....
saved 92d
I’ve thrown bitcoin questions at Shadders since 2019– he’s never understood bitcoin. It’s like asking Jeffrey Epstien questions about how to treat a lady😂
saved 94d
The protocol doesn’t change, the software does.

BitCoin makes zero sense if Node companies don’t compete with different software as it scales.

Right now i don’t need to start my own coin, Craig has one called BSV (for now).
saved 94d
/trolltoll @4879 $0.09 for not making any sense.
saved 96d
Remember when the United States Food & Drug Administration hired that Arkansas high school sophomore** to carry out their social media campaign during the largest politi-medical crises in American History?



The FDA & the CDC can be shut down now. Wonder how much that would save the taxpayers?

**joke, like the FDA