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saved 81d

/pay @1339 $3.69
saved 84d
Beautiful rustic loaf. Have you ever seen one of these manual bread slicers? Totally worth it. 😇
saved 87d
Used to enjoy Paulaner myself. But, both are top notch.
saved 90d
I have been saying something similar for decades, namely, when we are met with a decision: option A) take the hard path, option B) take the easy path, in my personal experience, the hard path has always proven to be more rewarding.

The founder of the Society of Jesus, Ignatius of Loyola had a practice of examining these potential outcomes. He would frequently meditate on the decisions he would have to to make. He discovered that when he meditated on one choice, it would immediately fill him with joy and pleasure, but ultimately led to sadness and emptiness; but when he meditated on another choice, often one he was not very interested in pursuing due to some difficulty, despite the difficulty, he often experienced lasting joy and peace. When meditating on these possible decisions, he would always end up choosing the one that was more difficult.

This is an example of the spiritual life, which takes place in the mind. So, you're right, in some sense the mind is a battle groun...
saved 91d
There is definitely something to the mind, but as you know, it is not tangible. So, we are stuck having to discuss it philosophically. All cultures have an experience of the mind and have written about it, so this is something common to all people. As for attempting to describe it, it does seem to be something that intersects the body and soul—because the mind is connected to the body via the brain, which responds to chemicals, hormones, trauma, etc., as well as to the soul. I say the latter because there are accounts of people dying in hospitals who, after being revived, have been able to share truthful information from the time they were dead and the brain was not functioning.

As for irrationality, I would posit that that since the mind seems to straddle between the body and soul, that is why it is fallible. The body has desires that influence the mind's decision making. I think the more interesting topic for discussion would be what is the relationship between the mind and...
saved 93d
I would posit that everything written in the Bible is an invitation to exercise reason, which is a faculty of the soul. You're trying to insert mind as a third part. Man is body and soul. What we call "mind" is man's capacity for rational thought, which again, is a faculty of the soul.
saved 95d
Mind, body, spirit is an expression used by St. Paul: "May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy and may you entirely, spirit, soul, and body, be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Thess. 5:23).

From a footnote on the same passage: "Another possible translation is, 'May the God of peace himself make you perfectly holy and sanctify your spirit fully, and may both soul and body be preserved blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.' In either case, Paul is not offering an anthropological or philosophical analysis of human nature. Rather, he looks to the wholeness of what may be called the supernatural and natural aspects of a person’s service of God."

As for a philosophy of man, man is comprised of body and soul. The body is flesh, the soul is spirit. They are opposed to one another in so far as both have different desires. Since the spirit is the part of man that is most like God, who is pure spirit, it de...
saved 95d
In a matter of speaking, Jesus never left. Yes, he ascended bodily to the Father, where he sits on the throne of judgment, however, he told his disciples, "And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age" (Mt. 28:20). The way in which Jesus remains is through the sacraments he instituted and entrusted to the Church. So, in a substantial way, Jesus is in the Church, and through the Church, in the world.

Regarding the second coming, in the Gospel of John, Jesus says, "Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me. In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be" (Jn. 14:1-3). There is also a passage in the Book of Revelation regarding the four horsemen, one is riding victorious, who is Christ. He is victorious ov...
saved 95d
It is a fascinating idea. This is essentially the scenario laid out in the Book of Job. Satan challenges God that he could make Job curse God, and God allows him to wreak havoc on Job. Of course, Satan knows well that if he really wants to steal souls from God, all he has to do is give people what they want, which is an illusion. Satan, formerly Lucifer, an angel of light, is able to create illusions, make people see things. There is evidence of this in the Gospel of Matthew as Satan tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread, or shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world, saying, "All these I shall give to you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me" (Mt. 4:9b).

The reality is, God does allow Satan and demons to tempt people. This is allowed, however, so that people may grow in faith or some other virtue. Life in this realm is about disciplining the flesh so we may contemplate God. But, as Jesus says, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Mt. 26:41). ...
saved 95d
Revelation, logic, and faith.
saved 95d
Yes, Catholics around the world observe Good Friday, the day when Christ was crucified. Through the crucifixion, Jesus obtained the remission of sins. He did this once for all on the cross. By His death, we have been made free. A blessed Triduum to you as we celebrate this most holy time of year.
saved 124d
oooo upside down cross. Must be satanic!! Run for your life!
saved 138d
4 🙃
saved 147d
Sorry, m8. Not stooping to your level. I'm already beyond most people because I have Christ. I'll pray that you do the same before you die and truly experience hell. I assure you, life on Earth, difficult as it can be, is a walk in the park compared to eternity cut off from love.
saved 148d
I must have you mixed up with some other Kevin. My bad.

It appears as though you've been through the ringer. I'm sorry to hear that. The struggle is real. No need to bite my head off for trying to be encouraging. Just don't give up.
saved 149d
I'm sorry, last interaction you admitted to being an orthodox Catholic. I figured this would be within your wheelhouse. Also, didn't want a fellow Christian to fall into the error of nihilism. There's much more to everything than meets the eye, including the words on a page in the Bible. But, to quote the Master, because "‘they look but do not see and hear but do not listen or understand’" (Matt. 13:13).
saved 150d
Hell is eternal. Suffering on Earth is temporary.

"Besides all this, let us give thanks to the Lord our God for putting us to the test as he did our ancestors. Recall how he dealt with Abraham, and how he tested Isaac, and all that happened to Jacob in Syrian Mesopotamia while he was tending the flocks of Laban, his mother’s brother. He has not tested us with fire, as he did them, to try their hearts, nor is he taking vengeance on us. But the Lord chastises those who are close to him in order to admonish them.” (Judith 8:25-27).

All that to say, you don't want to go to Hell. And it is absolutely no comparison to life on Earth where we experience goodness, love, joy, and happiness.
saved 158d
saved 160d

saved 160d
I don't disagree with the challenges "normies" present due to their ignorance. This is an uphill journey. And I don't disagree with CSW's settlement terms with respect to BTC, BCH, et. al. Knowing he has the upper hand, he is showing himself to be fair with respect to the intellectual property and to carrying out the intended goal of the Bitcoin Whitepaper. This further drives the stake into the heart of the "crypto cabal" because they really don't have a leg to stand on. CSW is being magnanimous and actually throwing them a bone, giving them free reign to do what they want with those corrupted databases, which he wants nothing to do with. In the meantime, he softens the blow to normies and gives them more time to come around to the reality that BTC and BCH are frauds. "For the judgment is merciless to one who has not shown mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment" (Jas. 2:13). CSW is taking the high road by showing mercy.

Of course, the reality...
saved 160d
Bruh. One article comes out in Korea and BSV triples in value overnight. Sorry, just don't see the point of your negativity. And when BSV becomes the dominant network, with the majority of transactions on chain, the mining profitability is going to go through the roof. If you were a miner, what chain would you rather compete on? Garbage 3-7 TPS or millions of TPS?

If you read what CSW was saying in his settlement, it is clear he wants to help work towards facilitating scalability and development of micro-transactions. This is the heart of the Bitcoin economy. Consequently, it is also its use case.

Oh, but let's all hate on the guy who's making it possible for people to earn by doing work. smh
saved 160d
Wall Street bankers are manipulating the markets. They always have, always will. The whole point of an ETF is to sell more shares than they actually have on hand. Do you really think Grayscale holds 1:1 the amount of BTC they sell as ETFs to idiots stupid enough to buy their garbage? It's moronic. Sure, there will be some who play that game and are successful, but it's not real. This is not a measure of success. How many debt instruments one holds is no real measure of anything but more debt.

Think of this: USD is a debt instrument. It is an IOU to pay back the value on the face of the bill. What we call it even gives this fact away: a bill! Bills are debt instruments. People who play with shares and ETFs are gambling with imaginary digits. Not only do the digits NOT represent the actual asset, the bank is not obligated to hold 1:1 the actual asset. Further, purchasing an ETF means purchasing a product other than the genuine article. It is purchasing one IOU with another ...
saved 160d
What is BTC? What is its use case? Is its purported use case a valid one? Where does such a use case fit in with the global economy? These are questions few explore, or if they do explore it, they are met with false narratives that have purposely flooded the space to lead people astray. The terms of CSW's settlement clearly show a man with the upper hand, not only with the narrative (because he has truth and facts to back his claims), and precisely because he wants to see the invention succeed. To that end, he's allowing the others to fall flat on their faces compared to what the genuine Bitcoin will accomplish in the coming years. That is not just some narrative. The proof is on chain. That's real proof-of-work.
saved 183d
True, many 501c3's are up to no good. But, organized religion is not the problem. The problem is humanity. People have been tricked into believing that they are all perfect and that they can be gods on their own terms. This is Original Sin, and there's not a single man or woman born who is perfect. Until we can look ourselves honestly in the mirror and see that we're not the demigod's the media and communists say we are, people will continue to falter. God-willing people will wake up and see these evil corporations for what they truly are. The Church is not immune to mishandling of funds. We have seen several recent popes crack down on the Vatican Bank and other abuses of money designated for charitable use. No organized religion, no human institution is immune from sin. Period. It is precisely why Jesus founded a Church. He knew we would need a way to preserve his teaching for generations. Not only that, he knew we would need a place to go for healing.
saved 183d
You think the Zucchetto makes the pope Jewish? lol Perhaps you should do a bit of reading before making bizarre accusations. The Zucchetto was originally designed to cover the tonsure of clerics in the Middle Ages. They wore it to keep their heads warm! While today, it is mostly ceremonial, it still fulfills the original function of keeping the head warm. You will also notice that the zucchetto is much larger than most kippahs, typically worn by orthodox Jews and rabbis. And since you seem to be so focused on symbol, what do you propose is the symbolic meaning of the Zucchetto? I'll give you a head start…the zucchetto means "small gourd" from the word zucca "pumpkin." Upon close inspection of the cap, because of the stitching of the fabric, it resembles a pumpkin.

While we're on the topic of caps, though, how about we look at baseball caps? Seems to me the only difference between a zucchetto and a baseball cap is the brim and the logo. Which cap has more o...