I am Satoshi

Joined Jun 06, 2018

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I am Satoshi
replied 2291d
The timing is too perfect to not suspect some sort of pre planning.
I am Satoshi
replied 2291d
My point was that Roger is a good dude, doing no harm, and ended up in a position he didn't plan to end up. This was not his goal. That's my point.
I am Satoshi
replied 2292d
I am Satoshi
If you have ever run a business this has happened to you, if not your either super lucky, or to stupid to have seen it happen. (not calling you stupid, just saying it has happened)
I am Satoshi
replied 2292d
And you have never found yourself in a position where you followed the wrong accountant, lawyer, or partner to a point where you would have never ended up without bad advice??
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
I agree, SV has no front man. I think they are hopping to start with some large solutions that needed a much larger chain to make the idea work. Maybe they can get some huge company
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
at this rate yes and total proof of work will catch up also.
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
Sk8eM dUb
It's true that ABC was defending against something with checkpoints. They had a fear of something.
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
I am Satoshi
But segwit was such a change that BCH can claim closest to white paper. Now SV can say it's even closer due to checkpoints.
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
Maybe not, also to consider BCH changed the difficulty algo, so really the "royal blood" was already contaminated. So BTC could always claim that neither BCH nor BSV have it.
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
Your comment means you have not. When you own a business you end up in a position with your staff and business that you will need to pivot from, Ver is in a position he didn't design
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
I am Satoshi
BTC segwit breaks the model, it's no longer bitcoin. It's junk. I would love to have a real debate about this. There is no way BTC can claim it's best. It's just using the brand.
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
I am Satoshi
0 Conf doesn't work, and the core people really think they can scale globally with a 1mb block size. Honestly I want to know, what part of this cluster fuck do you see as valuable?
I am Satoshi
replied 2293d
I'm not a shill, but I am curious to talk to a person who thinks BTC is not broken. Lighting network is a piece of shit, Segwit took signatures out of the chain of signatures
I am Satoshi
replied 2294d
When you start a business and grow it, you sometimes end up in odd positions. If you have ever owned a business you would understand. He didn't choose so much as end up to be here
I am Satoshi
replied 2294d
If they get ABC to add replay protection they can claim the royal blood line later. They clearly plan beat BTC as well as BCH.
I am Satoshi
replied 2296d
I am Satoshi
These are hollow triumphs, and short-lived; indeed, “what good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?”
I am Satoshi
replied 2296d
I am Satoshi
The legend warns us to be wary of the cult of the ego, the seductions of fame and the celebration of power.
I am Satoshi
replied 2296d
I am Satoshi
We are plagued by politicians offering easy answers to complex problems – especially when those easy answers are empty promises.
I am Satoshi
replied 2296d
I am Satoshi
“Every notable historical era will have its own Faust,” wrote Kierkegaard. Our challenge today is that, to some extent, we are all in a Faustian bind.
I am Satoshi
I am Satoshi
replied 2298d
I am Satoshi
Trying to battle them when they have such a huge system is hard to do,,, they have unlimited printing press money. Step one is to create our own money, then simply move to it.
I am Satoshi
replied 2298d
I am Satoshi
We sap them first, then we let them fail, and then we come in with a working alternative monetary system to replace the failed one.
I am Satoshi
replied 2298d
I am Satoshi
Earn money, but use it to buy bitcoin and move your store of value off of their system. This starves them of capital by diluting their money. We keep all the good money,
I am Satoshi
replied 2298d
My point is that it's a viable strategy to change government by first stealing their capital, get them low on energy first, then change them.
I am Satoshi
replied 2299d
I am Satoshi
if you could add faces it would be even better. I have a few versions in mind. Making the dark night CSW would be the funniest, although it may not age well.