I am Satoshi

Joined Jun 06, 2018

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2355d · memo
Is there a way to tip accounts directly? I want to sign up friends and to them in app directly so they can post but there is no way to do it? Can you implement this please?
2392d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
2401d · Capitalism
I just top up my memo account with 5 bucks so I'm all set to shitpost for the next 6 month.
2407d · Marx
2446d · memo
We need a way to invite a friend to memo and tip that friend enough BCH to start posting with 1 perceived action
2448d · Ideas to improve our lives
eat green veggies
2448d · Ideas to improve our lives
grow green veggies
2448d · Memo Suggestions
I think there should be a section where people can tip to a faucet, then newcomers can collect like 1000 sats (or something like that) for them to start using Memo.