Paul Harwood

Joined Aug 07, 2018

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followed 2403d
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it.
The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.
You don't have to agree with #AlexJones to support his right to say it.
The purge makes me even more eager for the world to use censorship resistant platforms like this one.
2404d · Bitcoin Cash
Stefan Molyneux predicts Blockstream takeover of Bitcoin
followed topic global warming 2403d
2403d · global warming
I think Capitalists is the wrong word. Capitalist is a very broad and wooly definition, 'greedy people' is more appropriate and meaningful.
2403d · Marx
Makes me poor in that bar :)
2403d · Marx
If I walk into a bar and show a crypto enthusiast my wallet with 200 BCH in it, they may think i'm wealthy. If the bar won't accept BCH it's not valuable there.
2403d · Marx
Yes, wealth is a perception mostly. A vantage point of ownership.
2403d · Marx
Water is a better analogy, it is free and abundant, but extremely valuable.
2403d · Marx
I must to exchange it to be able to access the value within it, value is not intrinsic to wealth.
2403d · Marx
I can be wealthy in USD, if I go to a country that does not accept it, it's not valuable.
2403d · Marx
Wealth is not a measure of value, in the same way that price is not a measure of value. Consensus is a measure of value. Price represents a view, not a consensus.
followed 2403d
Having just read through this thread, it's totally obvious that the bankers would attempt to control or destroy Bitcoin.
Bitcoin cash’s strongest weapon against other cryptos is adoption. Only BCH can handle massive adoption while others always choke and fail.
Bitcoin Cash Powered Social Media Platform Memo Continues to Thrive
set profile pic 2403d
set name to Paul Harwood 2403d
BTC is Lightning Coin.
BCH is Satoshi Coin.