Paul Harwood

Joined Aug 07, 2018

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2372d · global warming
I think Capitalists is the wrong word. Capitalist is a very broad and wooly definition, 'greedy people' is more appropriate and meaningful.
2372d · Marx
Makes me poor in that bar :)
2372d · Marx
If I walk into a bar and show a crypto enthusiast my wallet with 200 BCH in it, they may think i'm wealthy. If the bar won't accept BCH it's not valuable there.
2372d · Marx
Yes, wealth is a perception mostly. A vantage point of ownership.
2372d · Marx
Water is a better analogy, it is free and abundant, but extremely valuable.
2372d · Marx
I must to exchange it to be able to access the value within it, value is not intrinsic to wealth.
2372d · Marx
I can be wealthy in USD, if I go to a country that does not accept it, it's not valuable.
2372d · Marx
Wealth is not a measure of value, in the same way that price is not a measure of value. Consensus is a measure of value. Price represents a view, not a consensus.
Having just read through this thread, it's totally obvious that the bankers would attempt to control or destroy Bitcoin.