
Joined Apr 15, 2018

"Never, never, never give up" - Winston Churchill

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On do I only see posts which occurred on BSV, and none from BCH, or?
2088d · Bitcoin SV
BSV is the only crypto that has a chance of being global currency.
replied 2105d
Cry me a river.

It wasn't an issue with BCH, and it's still okay now.
2106d · Bitcoin SV
Frankly, I saved a lot of money due to similar CSW warnings last year.
A true historic event, Craig Wright comes out as Satoshi Nakamoto and talks about his experience creating Bitcoin.

2106d · Bitcoin SV
I have a feeling the trolls will still be in this thread bashing BSV even after BTC and BCH are dead and buried and BSV is the only crypto around. Sad. Hey trolls... check that price boost!
Rapid growth of FloatSV trading volume!
2107d · Flat Earth
One more adhominem and you're blocked, just like your friends SilentSam and the other one
2111d · US Politics/Trump
Wikileaks is comped.
If you are a "king" but don't have independent thinkers by your immediate side, you are open for gradual manipulation.

How to determine if you have independent and reliable thinkers on your side is another question entirely.
One of the biggest losses in the BSV / BCH split was Roger Ver.

I truly believe he was conflicted at the time, it was made worse by CSW's email, and a resulting mob coming to Roger's support.

Bitcoin lost an integral marketing driver (

More unfortunate was the loss of an overseeing group to the developments of ABC et al.

As a result Roger's energy is wasted in two senses, first because it is not towards Bitcoin, second because it will be put to a end eventually.
replied 2113d
Calm down tiger.
replied 2113d
Don't expect someone to sit around when you bad mouth your ex boyfriend.

He's just not that into you.
replied 2114d
Are you the ex girlfriend that Amaury's been talking about?

You seem infatuated with CSW.

Makes sense though..
"Like it or not, nChain is basically the Oracle of the blockchain space."

"For instance, the fact that the Binance CEO offered to underwrite legal expenses for Peter McCormack makes it reasonable to expect some type of formal dispute between BSV actors and, say, Binance."
replied 2114d
I guess the poster above doesn't understand the XMR model after all.
replied 2115d
The panel which Vitalik was getting his panties in a bunch over:

What exactly was his arguement against it?