XMR has been working well, so as BCH. Both are real crypto currencies....which cannot be said about your scamcoin farce.
Do you know the economics of the XMR adjustable blocksize? It doesn't actually support growth of TXs over the short or medium-term. So then how to get to the long-term? Well, it can't.
P.S they've already bricked ASICS, not much different to BCH.
Work started on a simulator to evaluate adjustable block size algorithms in #BitcoinCash
That's cute.
Maybe it can implement an unworkable adjusting block size like Monero.
"All the major social platforms, Twitter, Facebook, and even Google, have been infiltrated by social justice warriors seeking to destroy meritocracy and bring banality to the world. They call it diversification. The truth is that it is racist, homophobic, sexist, and every other -ism that one could consider to be distasteful. The growth path of Twitter has ended, and the user base is slowly declining. The reason for it is that you cannot serve two masters. Organisations can seek to be the best at what they are and what they seek to deliver, or they can lose to the market and capitalism. Just as socialism failed because it could not measure the value of what people sought in society, many organisations are now finding that they will not be able to survive the infiltration of mediocrity."
A sketch.
1. Be Satoshi
2. 10 years later, claim copyright on code & whitepaper
3. Issue infringement takedown notices for WP hosters
4. Remember all Bitcoin blockchains include WP
5. Take down all nodes
6. Champaign
"The Copyright Office’s processing times vary based on a number of factors, including how difficult a claim is to review, whether an applicant submitted a physical deposit, whether the Copyright Office needs to correspond with an applicant, and the number of registration specialists available to review claims. For example, claims take longer to process when applicants submit online claims but do not submit physical deposits when necessary, or when applicants do not fully respond to an examiner’s questions. The Office encourages applicants to refer to the Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices and the Copyright Office’s circulars prior to submitting applications to avoid unnecessary delays and correspondence."
This pump is absolutely shameless, they wouldn't even imagine doing this kind of shit on Wall Street. Pathetic scumbags. The market has to get rid of them.
Anyone is more than free to develop their own client, up until the point of version 0.2.0. I.e past 10 years of history.
This only include new additions to code going forward as I understand it.
But heck, if nChain have such useless developers, why would any of the code they put in be valuable?