
Joined Apr 15, 2018

"Never, never, never give up" - Winston Churchill

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2135d · Earn
Unwriter shows nice opportunity using
TGIF! from the sunny southwest, gonna be mid-90s this weekend, beer and pool season is open! ;)
replied 2136d
I got you Vincents keyboard :)
2138d · US Politics/Trump
Hey LightRider How's that CNN snake oil you bought tasting.
Simon Van Gelder
3 BCH user on-boards this week.
replied 2138d
If this is what u need as a proof. Sigh
2138d · Favorite Quotes
"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt controlled, lest Rome become bankrupt.” Marcus Cicero, 55 BC
2138d · Favorite Quotes
“People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt." Marcus Cicero, 55 BC
If u want global adoption e.g. that govs and other intransparent instis should use transparent eCash > u better support BSV, the cleanest legit Bitcoin.
Better stay only on simple purpose of scalable eCash. Or u ll go here
2138d · US Politics/Trump
He's done this time... right guys?
2138d · Photography
Contributing to topics: My Arc-Eyed Hawk Fish on the lurk, posted up in some Montipora coral...
The Bitcoin Vision - Episode 10

2141d · US Politics/Trump
The Bitcoin Vision - Episode 9

If I was rich I would employ one person who's sole responsibility would be to make me perfect cups of tea on demand 24/7. I would pay them well.
In order to make alliances, it is necessary to give concessions to others so that the network can be appealing to more people. Having solved the Byzantine General's problem does not make building alliances obsolete. In fact, it is much easier to provide concessions because the expectation of reciprocation that much more likely.
replied 2145d
Why can't one block such utter garbage? @memo
replied 2145d
@memo, why is this in my timeline?
It took 7 months but the S&P 500 is back to new all-time highs again, up 25% since the low on Christmas-eve, and 18% year-to-date already, risk-on...
2150d · US Politics/Trump
Trump, Russia, Possible Collusion (REMIX) [2017]
2148d · QAnon
oh no! they believe conspiracy theories?! Theories like trump russia collusion?
Attack of the Orphan Trolls

A few days ago, the Bitcoin (SV) blockchain had an event described as a six-block reorganization. For the trolls, they jumped on and declared it as a failure of the BSV chain. In reality, nothing was lost, not a fund was double spent, not a single transaction was rejected, not anything. Now, where did it really fail?

Let us understand, that a reorganization of blocks occur when two competing miners found a solution to the next block in almost exactly the same time. Their job is to propagate this block as fast as they can, so the rest of the miners can proceed building the next block on top of it. Since two blocks were found, there exist a temporary two chains where miners compete until the next block is found and propagated, so they can build on top of it again. This cycle moves on until a clear winner dominates the next block and eventually emerge as the main chain where all miners need to build-upon, resulting to what we call block reorganization, unr...