
Joined Apr 15, 2018

"Never, never, never give up" - Winston Churchill

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I just thought I’d share a picture of my Desert Rose, Adenium Obesum ;)
After 150 days of downtime my S9 BCH miner “Bruce” is back up and mining again! -but probably still not profitable yet 😂🤣😂
2150d · Bitcoin SV
2150d · Bitcoin SV
replied 2150d
Thanks, yes I want to try that next...
2150d · Photography
Artsy shot of my Rose Pincushion Cactus (Mammillaria zeilmanniana) in bloom, happy weekend...
"Compared to Lightning, BCH has much stronger uptake. Lighting has only 8000 nodes and 38,000 channels. The average channel capacity is $140 and there is only $5M in total liquidity.
2152d · US Politics/Trump
Mueller report says Trump right again... LR still wrong. More denial, random low IQ Twitter posts and lots of SALT incoming!
2152d · US Politics/Trump
2152d · US Politics/Trump
Dems will still be "finding" "potential" obstruction of justice years into their jail terms. That's if they are lucky enough to not be hung for TREASON. WWG1WGA
2152d · US Politics/Trump
4/18/2019 Mueller report released to public with minimal redactions, full cooperation of White House.
Life After Google: The Fall of Big Data and the Rise of the Blockchain Economy

Life without the Internet could be unimaginable for those who grew up dependent on its existence. It is by far the the most successful attempt to connect the world. It has undoubtedly made information accessible and trades feasible in ways people before this era thought impossible. It made businesses grow in an even faster rate, enabling them to scale worldwide, reaching an audience far from the sight of their own shore. It is very good indeed, but not good enough.

With its feat, we can exaggeratedly say that it is an achievement off the chart. Borrowing from the idea of Nassim Nicholas Taleb's Black Swan, we can categorically include this invention as such. The Internet is a Black Swan. It's birth was a rare event no ordinary man could have ever predicted, and yet today, it being alive, everyone could just easily find simplistic explanations for its occurrence.

Natural with any technology, it ...
2154d · memo
Today Memo celebrates 1 year since launch! Thanks to everyone who helped make Memo one of the top dapps in crypto!
Game of Protocols and Candlesticks

A competition among players is challenging if they know what they are competing with. However, if they are to row their boats on a bicycle contest, then we have an unprecedented degree of misalignment. Certainly, they will either end up loosing for real or dream of finishing the line - winning in illusion.

Such is the world of the crypto market we are in today. If you have been monitoring every movement of these crypto coin prices, chances are - you are most likely invested in any one of this rowing participant in a cycling race. A wave of green charts indicative of a positive earnings, increases the scale of your "feel good" meter of a self made price predictor (though in reality, it makes no difference to a blind betting). And a ripple of red charts highlighting a negative turn of event, erases what you have just earned from your "feel good" register, sending shivers to your vein - prompting you to adjust the finish line further...
Time Crawler - A BitDB Component

In the world of MetaNet, everything revolves around Bitcoin (SV) as a protocol. Comparatively, in the world of Internet, everything revolves around TCP/IP as a protocol.

People always ask, how are they going to understand MetaNet? The answer is you don't have to. The same way as the concept of Internet naturally dwelled into our mindset by way of using all the applications running on top of it like Web browsing, Facebook, Twitter, Uber and more. Metanet, will eventually be integrated into our daily way of living just by simply using the applications built on top of Bitcoin (SV) like Bitstagram, Memo.SV, Moneybutton, HandCash and more.

The key driving force to the gradual migration of applications to MetaNet will be characterized by an explosion of applications being developed using Bitcoin (SV). For the curios, you can track some of the projects being developed here .

Now, given that we are on our way to Meta...
sent · 1,000 sats 2166d
Are you still around? I would love to share an idea with you
I think this website feels better to navigate and use than reddits new redesign

Bum move one can see coming a mile away:

- Laws to criminalize "depictions of violent crimes" introduced
- Law enforcement now free to perform more violent crimes without public right to show it

The "New OPCode" Fallacy

Operation Code, otherwise known as OPCode is an instruction executed by a computing machine to perform an operation. In Bitcoin (SV), this is made possible by its programming language called Script.

There is a mistaken notion in the Bitcoin community that the early developers, also know as Bitcoin Core (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) developers who succeeded the development of the software from Satoshi are the final authority in the evolution of Bitcoin. Thus, they can introduce new OPCodes at will. This is false and an utter lie.

What they are not telling you, is that Bitcoin when released in 2009 already contained all the necessary and researched OPCodes that can accommodate all the programmable expressions of the world. Bitcoin was way ahead of their time. And out of their fear of the unknown and unexplored power of Bitcoin, along with their mediocrity due to their complete inability to understand its imposing design, had disabled most of these OP...
Facebook & Google monetize your data. You thought its Free but was actually paid by your privacy. You are their product.

In MetaNet, its the other way around. Your privacy remains without giving up your data. You monetize it yourself before granting them access.

Why? Because they no longer keep your data - Bitcoin (SV) does. And your Wallet Key has the sole access to it.

Data is the new oil, and you have it.
How institutions decay and economies die?

The recurrence of what seemingly a routine case of recession, is in fact a symptom of a more profound complications of a decaying institutions and economies - that is not being addressed at its roots. Kicking the can ought to be the norm, relying on the future generations to hopefully figure it out.

How do you expect trillions of debt to be repaid? And by Who? And When?

Then you will see what's inevitable.

Read: The Great Degeneration by Niall Ferguson
The One Minute Block Time Fallacy.

There is a mistaken notion among Bitcoin Developers that a one minute block generation time is a superior processing period than the existing ten minute rule. Thus, enabling merchants to quickly secure their Bitcoin payments. Quite simply, this is false.

This claim was made with their ill intention to modify the rules in the middle of the game, and skew the system towards their favor. They want to change the protocol and introduce an inferior system that is not part of the original Bitcoin design. The smaller miners having less than 10% of the overall hash rate will then be disadvantaged, as they can't cope up with the block propagation time (One minute) against the giants of the mining industry.

Bitcoin (SV) already solved the issue of the merchant's payment via Zero Confirmation time since day one back in 2009. Researched and mathematically proven, the truth is that the perfect time lies between five and 20 minutes. And there is no exa...