
Joined Jul 14, 2018

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replied 1943d
My friend just told me he's there. I asked him wtf he would hang with them. Told me they're not as toxic as on Twitter when in person... He's smart but I think he got duped somehow :/
Developer Panel: How does Bitcoin Cash attract a larger developer community?

replied 1945d
Good to know, thanks!
replied 1945d
You can always drop it with https://github.com/gcash/bchd/blob/3ef1172ecbabb4131c5bb45dbcd9a6a714ee7d49/config.go#L179 if it hogs too much resources.
replied 1945d
I don't think you need it for bchwallet. It's only used by the searchrawtransactions RPC AFAIK which lets you query any address (as opposed to solely the addresses in your wallet).
replied 1945d
Sure and I hope I'll have time to write my own Memo client one day but in the meantime I think it really hinders adoption :(
replied 1945d
In my experience, the address index makes full sync significantly longer and takes up about 50 GB of extra data. I wouldn't recommend enabling it unless you actually need it.
replied 1945d
I love bchd and this talk made me realize that Chris is a great guy too :)
replied 1945d
I wish there would be a better alternative to reddit and rbtc but I can't recommend people to switch to a closed-source platform unless there is a good reason for it to be proprietary.
replied 1945d
Thanks @memo however it's still unclear what you get by keeping it closed-source. Would open-sourcing it conflict with future plans to turn it into a profitable venture somehow?
replied 1946d
I hope you're right but the lack of transparency about why it suddenly got closed-source is concerning to say the least...
1946d · memo
Why is Memo no longer open-source? It's a shame. I think it's a major roadblock toward getting more adoption. Should we assume it has been hijacked like BTC?
replied 1947d
BCH (https://www.bitcoincash.org/) and DCR (https://www.decred.org/) are my two favorite coins so I just created the DCR SLP token... want some? :-D
2321d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
According to https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/transactions?q=time%282018-09-01%29 there were 1.7 million txs sent today so far.
2321d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Where can we see how many txs have been sent today? Are we over the 5 million goal yet?
replied 2321d
Yup this works. Good to know :)
replied 2321d
Yeah Memo isn't parsing the link properly. Let me try again escaping the parentheses: https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/blocks?s=size%28desc%29
2321d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
replied 2321d
What scripts do you use to generate that fabulous Grafana dashboard? I'd like to do the same with my node.