Happy New Year to everyone from Venezuela, I wish it were a better year for my country because it was the saddest year many families incomplete because of migration, AMEN, I wish you the best
Who explains to me that it was the bifurcation and that it has to offer every game I want to know the differences, I see a lot of disputes in this web and I do not understand anything hehe.
Hello, Memo, I'm from Venezuela some way from me to take out my memo Bch and charge them to my wallet? I have no income in crypts since yours.org died and wanted to know if I can work in this web
In Venezuela They disguise capitalism in a socialism of lies, Venezuelan socialism died in 2013 when Hugo Rafael Chavez died, Capitalism wants to end all Damn
Who summarizes me that finally happened with bitcoin cash and the bifurcation I do not understand anything. the pages based on BCH with which BCH will remain ABC or SV?
Who summarizes me that finally happened with bitcoin cash and the bifurcation I do not understand anything. the pages based on BCH with which BCH will r