Guys, is not just social platform, it's a place where BCH owners are gathered and connected. BCH owners are no more scattered now! Just think about it, make use of it. Big perspectives here.
I really like this website, people that you find in here is not like ''normal'' people you meet in the streets, I enjoy reading all topics in here and making friends. I love
Hello, people! My name is Fabiola Gamboa, I am 23 years old from South America, I have a child, his name is Lyam, I like to cook and photography, I am interested in cryptocurrency.
Oh my use it. But it would be nice not losing any.
It's going to need to find a killer app before things start ramping up. Cointext in Africa and South America might be the ticket here. It's going to take a few months to get going.
Memo update released: - Dust consolidation for all actions - Dashboard is now a feed of all events - Performance improvements - Updated profiles - Color indicator for relative user rating - New account page
0-conf isn't particularly appealing to new users from a marketing perspective. We should come up with a new phrase that encapsulates "near instant transactions at minimal cost" to attract new users. Reply with ideas.