Chrysostomos Georgiou

Joined Apr 15, 2018

Vascular surgeon, crypto- and 3d printer enthusiast and father of 2 #linux #fitness

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1804d · Medicine
How does it do this?
1804d · Medicine
This one blows my mind! This climbing plant can literally mimic the leaves of its supporting tree. V is climbing plant, T is supporting tree.
1804d · Medicine
1804d · Medicine
1929d · Medicine
Most racist/homophobic/nationalistic problems have one common educational/scientific source: People don't understand statistical randomness, normal distribution and evolutionary theory.
1956d · Medicine
1956d · Medicine
Robert Liston was a competent surgeon who could amputate a leg in two minutes. However one day he achieved the impossible. With a single surgery he had a 300% mortality rate.How is this possible?
2026d · Medicine
Iron lung. The first mechanical ventilator. It's function is closer to the physiology campared to the modern machines.
2026d · Medicine
2039d · CashID
Could this be a solution to ddos attacks? Requiring a Satoshi to login would make ddos attacks pretty expensive.
2073d · Medicine
For more photos search "baby cage"
2073d · Medicine
Dr. Luther Emmett Holt's theory about "airing" children (1894) taken to the extreme (photo 1934)
2090d is a trading/ crypto oriented website.
Sadly they wish some kind of subscription.
Use Google cache to bypass it.

Same with
2099d · Medicine
As the Africans migrated to northern regions, lighter skin colour evolved to optimise vitamin D production. Who could predict that a vitamin synthesis would be a reason for such a racist outbreak.
2106d · Medicine
Do you still think it's good to kill your microbiota through thoughtless use of antibiotics, disinfectant and hand washing after every task?
2106d · Medicine
It's not different than a buisness. The number, quality and tasks completed by your coworkers is essential for the longevity of the system.
2106d · Medicine
2106d · Medicine
Human microbiota is the aggregate of microorganisms that resides on or within any of a number of human tissues. Certain microorganisms perform tasks that are known to be useful to the human host.
2106d · Medicine
2106d · Medicine
Anyone thinking DNA can't be used to store information?
2106d · Medicine
Venter’s team wrote a few coded 'watermarks' into the genome sequence, which spelled out the names of the team members, as well as several famous quotes.
Btw, I think they should work on this before the spammers appear.
There are numerous ways. There could be created a filter that ignores the spams on the web page.
2118d · Medicine
Over the years MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) has become one of the safest and best medical imaging technique.
2118d · Medicine
In the early seventies, in Cleveland Ohio, protestors demonstrate against a new "dangerous" technology called NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance). The technology has to get renamed to get approved.