Anyone have a “get rich at a moderate speed” scheme?
Lol best thread imo
The great equalizer. They tried to keep it from us but failed
Recently: 24/7 lofi hiphop
Bitcoin is an unbroken chain of digital signatures. Segwit breaks the chain..
That's wrong.the chain of hashes isn't broken
With memo, claims to original ideas can be made with basis on the blockchai
Could even be secret by using hashes of ideas
No shadow bans on memo, unlike twitter. Free thought requires free speech.
Memo web client could shadow ban...
Greetings Memoites? Memoers? Memists? What are we called?
How about Memoans, like Samoans
Correction, from 80->220 b, so 76->216 1b chars, less for mulitbyte chars
@Jake OP_RETURN field goes from 40->220 bytes, so 180 ascii chars more
We gotta be careful with "permissionless innovation",that's what got us IE6
This transaction is SPAM
That which is seeking is that which is being sought.