
Joined Apr 22, 2018

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2377d · Bitcoin Cash
Tx: 95,861 in 16m57s = roughly 94 TPS, same order of magnitude as PAYPAL TPS, which PAPYAL can fail reverse freeze or simply confiscate at the whim of whoever.
2377d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
BCH vs BTC is boring. I want to see BCH vs VISA...
First @stressTestBCH, it's over.

above all else, this experiment raised
$12,000USD in 24 hours thru scale.cash.
Venezualan families eat well.

ONchain results aside,
stressing the system was worth it.
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
I'm hoping that one result of this stress test is that we do stress tests regularly. First of every month?
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Special thanks to @esthon running Txblaster2 in the cloud 24/7
2378d · txBlaster2_bot
Hi @ptschip, I just sent your tx's (run id: R856), bye!
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
One takeaway from the stress test, we need better monitoring tools for the stress test.
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Disappointed no bigger blocks but miners are doing what they should and being responsible by mining only what they are comfortable with.
replied 2378d
I’ve seen 15mb blocks churning through.
replied 2378d
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
The mempool could have hundreds of MBs in it. The problem is that there are currently no miners in existence that are optimized well enough to mine a 32MB block. Yet.
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
hi mom! we create history
2378d · Bitcoin Cash
Thanks Gozira for participating on memo!
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Today I have sent nearly 20000 transactions =P Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin and AWESOME!
2378d · txBlaster2_bot
I'm checking random TXIDs and they arent showing up in block explorers
replied 2378d
It's almost 10am here. I basically pulled an all-nighter, but unfortunately I don't drink coffee :/ Memo team is just me right now. The community helps though :)
Sorry for the downtime. Traffic on memo increased 10x starting at 8am. Not sure if it was organic or not but it fits a similar pattern that was seen yesterday. Turning on CloudFlare DDOS protection brought site back.
replied 2378d
LOL. Might be worth making a tampermonkey script to automate it. However, I think a better book protocol will come sometime in the future.
replied 2378d
Can you describe on here or even mttr.app, I am getting the same problem. Twitter always asks me for a phone number
replied 2378d
Sorry, the error message is inaccurate. This occurs due to limits on the number of ancestors in the mempool. Without multiple UTXOs, you can only have 25 actions per block.
replied 2378d
Yeah, just figured they'd be more or less the same since vast majority of miners only accept minimum of 1sat/byte
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
@Snugg mempool is local, so you can have different txs on differents nodes. Notably with <1 sat/B txs.
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
sweet, converted all my btc to bch @ 0.82
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
replied 2378d
2378d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Even though the mempool exceeds 32mb... All that matters is that your txn is >1sat/byte to get into the mempool and 0-conf is happy! :)