Tx: 95,861 in 16m57s = roughly 94 TPS, same order of magnitude as PAYPAL TPS, which PAPYAL can fail reverse freeze or simply confiscate at the whim of whoever.
Will it be possible for the stress test to broadcast enough transactions to fill up the mempool past 32mb?
The mempool could have hundreds of MBs in it. The problem is that there are currently no miners in existence that are optimized well enough to mine a 32MB block. Yet.
Thx for fixing just make sure to get a strong coffe . If things get bad again. You never know what can happen on a stresstest day :) . Btw how many people are working on memo ?
It's almost 10am here. I basically pulled an all-nighter, but unfortunately I don't drink coffee :/ Memo team is just me right now. The community helps though :)
Sorry for the downtime. Traffic on memo increased 10x starting at 8am. Not sure if it was organic or not but it fits a similar pattern that was seen yesterday. Turning on CloudFlare DDOS protection brought site back.
Why can't I post? 'Please make sure your account has enough funds' I have 143k sat. Now I refilled my account to be able to post again. weird that it would not let me post since 1 message should cost 200 something sat
Sorry, the error message is inaccurate. This occurs due to limits on the number of ancestors in the mempool. Without multiple UTXOs, you can only have 25 actions per block.