
Joined Mar 20, 2019

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. -Walt Disney

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1977d · Bitcoin SV
BITCOIN makes new WORLD RECORD on Testnet
2058d · Ed
Are You Still Stuck in False Paradigm of BTC & Lightning?
2058d · Bitcoin SV
#BSV is NOT politics or religion, It is worst thing that could happen.
It's apathetic.
Go ahead use it for your political and religious things, but, don’t confuse a universal system of social and economic connection with political or religious movements.
2059d · Bitcoin SV
2061d · Bitcoin SV
2073d · Bitcoin SV
The biggest flip in history is coming. #BSV vs. #BTC
2076d · Bitcoin SV
With the lie comes blindness for the lie produces pain the blindness salves However truth is a light that removes all shadows. Some may never see for their pain is to great, the fall to far. We help others relieve their pain by shining light. Applications and Transactions #BSV
2076d · Bitcoin SV
What I find interesting is, if you are into #BTC for the money and then you find out that #CraigisSatoshi and #BitcoinSV really does it all, you could 55x your coins right now by trading them for #BSV and the realization that when #BSV flips #BTC in 2020 the value is stunning.
2077d · Bitcoin SV
Help! Help!
I have to get out
of #BTC!
You can always trade
15% or 20% for #BSV
to HEDGE your position
The Real #Bitcoin
2080d · Bitcoin SV
This is correct, centralisation comes in power of decision making. It is why Monarchy is centralised as King/Queen can make decisions any way they like, it is why Capitalist business is centralised as the owner can make decisions any way he likes, it is why Slavery or Feudalism or State Capitalism is centralised, as each one of these has some entity that has the power of making decisions. It is the removal of this decision making from the system that finally creates decentralisation. One common set of rules which apply to everyone equally, and no one having ability/power to change them.
2080d · Ed
I changed my mind about Wikileaks
Now, before you attack me, listen to the whole video. I am not saying I am against telling/publishing the truth or that journalists should be jailed for doing so, but now I understand that Wikileaks is not actually telling us the whole truth, the way Bitcoin system would, if we were to all use it, which explains why Wikileaks has attacked Craig Wright also, called him a fraud, effectively showing that they are not either for an adoption of a system which can expose all corruption, they have shown (to me anyway) that they are just controlled opposition also, same how Roger Ver and rest of the Bitcoin ABC traitors betrayed original Bitcoin system, and started attacking Craig Wright by calling him a fraud, and wanting to create a deliberate split again, in order to kick him out.

Bitcoin, the original system, is under attack from all sides, even from those who, on the first glance, seem to be the good guys.....
2109d · Bitcoin SV
All of a sudden. Regulation friendly, Scale, Utility, Security only with the original #Bitcoin #BSV
2116d · Bitcoin SV
i'm pretty sure BCH is closer to being illegal than BSV being a scam.
2116d · Bitcoin SV
We knew that's coming, we just didn't know when. Congrats to Craig, I'm happy for him he got his rightful place in krypto. Let him build further, this is just the beginning.
2117d · Bitcoin SV
2120d · Bitcoin SV
I am so glad that lightrider hates BSV. Eventually his coins will run out of unspent BSV outputs and he will continue his shitposts on only. Thank god! This is one of the very very few positives of the split.
2146d · Bitcoin SV
Genesis #BSV all others are 'Frankincoin'
2151d · Bitcoin SV
The crypto market has not yet realized what #BitcoinSV #BSV #Bitcoin #bitcoinsvnode has unleashed... There is some serious revamping of the marketplace going on. Rattling some cages and educating some folks. No more speculation just the fundamentals. Love it.
2151d · Bitcoin SV
The speculative 'Crypto' market is doomed. Give me real assets, real fundamentals, Scale, Utility, Security, and Stability. I support #BSV #BitcoinSV move the platform out of the toxic fraud markets. Talk fundamentals. I bet against ranters always.
2159d · Bitcoin SV
- What do you call a blockchain that actually follows the Bitcoin white paper?
You call it BITCOIN... an actual/real Bitcoin. This is what Bitcoin SV is.
- What do you call something that uses Bitcoin label in its name while not working as per the Bitcoin white paper?
You call that a scam.. a FAKE... and people who are promoting/shilling it should be exposed as SCAMMERS, aka LIARS.

Bitcoin is BSV, not BTC, nor BCH or anything else that uses Bitcoin in the name... name is a just a label.
It is how the blockchain/system WORKS that is the only thing that can be used to define what is Bitcoin and what is a fake/copy/scam.
2165d · Bitcoin SV
BITCOIN IS SATOSHI’S VISION. anything else just ain’t bitcoin 🤷🏻‍♂️
2170d · Bitcoin SV
They said "not possible" ... fucking morons :-)
2169d · Bitcoin SV
This application Memo begins to address fundamentals of #Bitcoin not crypto speculation. Fees, Scale, Utility, Stability, Adoption, coupled with Income-Expenses=Profit and Profit/Rate=Value all of these create #BSV growth and value as enterprises build applications on it. Investors, regulators and the public need open eyes.
replied 2176d
Ed really outdid himself in the comments to Roger Ver, Bravo Ed! @-ED-